May 2, 2010


Joshua Apostolic Prophetic Network

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Dear Joshua Family Subscribers:

The following word was received and first published at the beginning of 2010. Was just sitting here re-reading and reflecting on this tonight, and wanted to share it with all of you here. Felt, it would encourage you and give you a fresh perspective on some of what the Lord is doing this year. More to share a little later on. ~ L.D.


Prophetic Word for 2010

David Wagner

Note: The following prophetic word was first published on Jan 1, 2010

I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying: “This is the year to hang on My every word. I am going to honor and perform My word right in front of your eyes. Many have been weary in the waiting and they have tried to help Me but today I say: Take your hands off; I hold this moment in the palm of My hands. I have been bringing you to a place of full dependence on Me. My strength is made perfect in your weakness and I have now positioned you in the place where I can show Myself strong and mighty.

Surely the hour has come where some would say: “It is too late and how could this be…”, but I say watch me turn things around and bring you to the place of fulfillment and completion. I have not forgotten you or forsaken you. I have not switched plans nor has my will flip-flopped. I am awakening you to a new season of wonder and I am removing the scales off of your eyes that have not allowed you to see how far I have brought you already and how truly close you are to the place of promise.”

“Step out of your comfort zones, you must not remain comfortable with the way things were, are, or always have been. I am doing a New thing that requires you to think, act, and respond in a new way. Shake off the dust of yesterday, and close the door to the past. I am breaking off the chains that bind and I am removing every excuse for not moving ahead. It is time for my people to make a clean get away from yesterday. Do not ponder it or hide from it any longer. This is a season of exposure for my people. I am sweeping out the corners and closets and calling you to a new place of purity, honor and holiness. “

“Listen to Me. Hear My voice. Get rid of the spiritual static and cast out the conflicting opinions that have caused some of you to doubt what I have said. Do not be double-minded. I am looking for a single minded people who can discern their time and season in the earth. I am calling forth those who will be willing to hear My voice and obey the first time. Do not get caught up in striving or performance mentalities.

The key to the door of opportunity that awaits you is simple. Trust and obey. Do not try to figure things out, do not try to make things happen in your own power or strength, and simply do everything I tell you to do. There is a new clarity coming in 2010 so that you may know My way and walk in it.”

"Refuse to entertain the enemy's voice of discouragement, who attempts to keep you from fulfilling your destiny. You are called and chosen to demonstrate the light of God's Kingdom in this hour. You live in the generation where darkness is attempting to abound, but God's grace and truth will abound much more. I have empowered you to do the impossible, because with Me all things are possible.”

“I have heard the cries of the chosen and the whispers of the voiceless. I have caught the tears of the broken and I have seen the works of the faithful. I have not forgotten you, hidden from you, nor abandoned you. Instead, I have been waiting for you to come to this place in time and history. This is the time and place that you find me to be your all in all. I am the all sufficient one. Trust me. Remember the plans that I have for you are good and that my ways are perfect. It is time to once again taste and see that the Lord is good.

“Wrap yourselves in My light, and clothe yourselves in My love. Let the world see Me, hear Me, and feel Me through you. Do not be caught off guard. This is a year of divine appointments and opportunities to show forth My perfect love and hand of kindness. I am bringing you back to your first love. Fall in love with Me and then fall in love with those I love. I am releasing a new mandate and mantle of evangelism. There is an urgency in the spirit to take the church beyond the walls. I am releasing a new zeal and fire upon the lives and ministries who will dare to step out as pioneers.”

“This is going to be a year of new spiritual order. I am once again bringing order to the chaos of this world. I am bringing you out of recession into restoration, reformation, and revival. Do not try to hang on to what I have not given you and do not despise what you thought was small beginnings. I am bringing you to a new level of increase but you must prepare for it. Prepare your character.

I desire to cause My character to flow through you, like rivers of living water. Prepare the container of your hearts so that My love can flow out of you to a dry and desolate city and nation. Prepare My church to accommodate the unseen and unexpected harvest. I see what you do not see and I have My eye on the overlooked harvest.

2010 will be a year of supernatural world wide harvest especially in the hardest places and among the hardest people. As I bring you into this new season, you must keep your eyes on Me because you have never been this way before.” “Heed the warnings and the signs of the times. Watch in awe; listen in wonder as the earth comes into alignment with the sound of voice and the movement of My finger.

The birthing process has started. I have induced the labor pains. All that has been held back from my people is being released as the judgment of God is being heaped upon the head of the enemy.” “It is time to maximize your moment. There is a new momentum of acceleration. This acceleration will move mountains, shift things in the natural and bring about the judgments of God in the earth.”

“I am bringing about correction to government offices and I am shifting the scales of justice in My favor. I will dethrone and defrock those who would abuse their power and My people. Secure the borders and awaken the watchmen. See the danger on the horizon and speak to it, sound the alarm. I am requiring My servants to say the hard things as well as the good. Do not speak to tickle the itching ears of men but speak truth to the heart so that true change will come.”

“2010 is a year of increased responsibility and stewardship. As the economy of the world has decreased, it is imperative of My people to give more faithfully than ever before. Giving will sustain the new spiritual order of supernatural resources and provision for your life. The economy of My kingdom is not based on working and wages but rather sowing and reaping. You cannot reap what you have not sown. Be mindful of the gifts and talents I have placed in your hands. Start with what you have and do not focus or worry about what you do not have yet.”

“Many have been on a journey through the wilderness. This has been a season of trials and testing by fire for many. It was not a test to break you but rather a test to promote you to your next level and place of appointment. Do not panic or be anxious. Do not be afraid of the schemes, attacks, or persecution of your enemies. Allow the enemy to work on your behalf. Remember that I am able to work all things together for your good. Some of these difficulties have been allowed because on the other side of it your heart is becoming even more pure through the fire.”

“The glory of the Lord is increasing upon individuals. It is time to arise and shine; for the light has come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you." I want you to know the reality and power of the living God in you. Remember it is Christ in you, the hope of glory. There is also a new anointing coming upon those called to the fivefold ministry to equip the people of God to destroy the works of the enemy. The works of the sons and daughters of God are going to surpass that of generations past. It is time to pass on the mantles and batons because it is time to run like never before.”

“It is time to gather the harvest that awaits you. I am bringing a new unity of heart to my church as I breakdown and breakthrough walls of division and separation. Obstacles and distractions that once seemed insurmountable will be overcome "suddenly," These suddenlies will bring significant change and breakthrough. I am ushering My people into the place of the total turn around. ”


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