Jul 5, 2007


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Dear Joshua Family Subscribers & Weblog readers:

Today, i am sending out a special word today from Mike and Cindy Jacobs, which came in recently via Chuck Pierce. I had tried to get this out to you sooner on the elist, but the elist server was down last Sunday, and for most of the day on Monday.

The following message has much to do with the recent downpours and flooding that have been taking place, and the spiritual signifance of what the Lord is doing through this. I know that this will speak to your heart, and will refresh your spirit with rain from heaven.

Blessings in Christ, L.D. Oxford


Dear Warring Saints:

I am forwarding a message that Cindy and Mike Jacobs of Generals International sent out yesterday. Whereas some areas of the nation are suffering from severe drought, Texas and much of the I-35 corridor has seen record rains.

In areas of severe flooding, continue to pray for a sweeping move of the Holy Spirit and that God's people will move to the higher ground He is calling us to possess.


Chuck D. Pierce



First published on (June 29, 2007)

Resources: generals.org

Red Oak, TX: It is pouring rain in Texas, Oklahoma and across portions of the Midwest. CNN reports, "Storms dumped up to 18 inches of rain on parts of central Texas, flooding several towns and stranding dozens of people on rooftops, cars and in trees." Entire article: at Cnn

The Holy Spirit has spoken through His prophets, and He is releasing a new cleansing move of holiness across the face of the earth. Last June, through two prophesies given in Washington DC, the word came that God is "Washing Washington".

This is now extending all along the I-35 corridor. The Doppler radar has resembled a river of fire as it showed the places of the most intense rain - most of them are located along I-35. In addition, the floodgates across the state of Texas have been opened, and we are preparing for 2008, the year of the open gates.

During October 2006, Chuck Pierce prophesied: "This will be the year the RIVERS will rise! Watch where the heavens open and floods (physical) reach the earth, and document those places! Those are places targeted for a Holy Spirit invasion. Rising flood waters will cause you to move to higher ground. As the River of Holy Spirit rises, you will find yourself moving to the high places."

Go to the prophecy: Here

Kim Clement also prophesied about the rain, saying that the season was changing and there would be no more drought. Clement stated that the change in season will lead to multiplication. "'No more drought,' says the Spirit of the Lord. The season of subtraction, the season of drought has come to an end. And the season of multiplication has begun. It has begun."
Go to the prophecy: at Light the highway

The drought has surely ended, as the national weather service reports that the rainfall totals have more than compensated for the drought most of Texas has been experiencing since 2005.


According to the prophecies, the rain is a sign that God is leading His people to higher places. The areas that have seen flooding will now see the work of the Holy Spirit come. The rain is the sign of a changing season - instead of drought and lack there will be multiplication.

Chuck Pierce shared in an update from March 15 that we are entering a season of travail and that "this travail season could take us through July." Chuck shares that, "Travail is defined as birthing, delivering, it is not a comfortable experience.

Often times, a person will initially interpret travail emotionally and become introspective, suspecting something is wrong with them. However, it is not an emotion, it is the burden of the Lord, and the voice of the Lord coming to a person as a burden to draw them into partnering with Him to birth and/or to war."


Chuck Pierce shares some valuable suggestions for how to respond in a season of travail: HerePray for God to send his promised Holy Spirit work to the flooded areas. Also pray for the safety of those living in the areas experiencing rainfall. Eleven people have died in the past eleven days of severe weather, and the forecast is expecting more.


Be part of this cleansing move of God during Light The Highway, October 28-December 1, 2007. Twelve 24/7 prayer rooms, from Laredo, TX to Duluth, MN have already partnered with us to pray during this time.

TBN Enlace (Spanish) has also partnered with us to cover South and Central America and Mexico with prayer. And up north, the Canadian Prayer Network is going to prayer drive the Trans-Canadian Highway to establish it as highway of holiness.

We have recently learned of the E-35 highway that runs across Europe. If you are located on this highway and would like to join in prayer as well, we encourage you to go to Light the highway and start your own page!

Get equipped to raise up a canopy of holiness around the world at our online store, here and keep an eye out for Cindy's new book: The Reformation Manifesto, coming January 2008. Learn how to reform your nation at every level.


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"Watch Rory and Wendy Alec on God Tv, -- Channel 365 -- on Direct Tv Satellite in North America. You may also watch them online at their website, located at www.god.tv . They are such a blessing to the Body of Christ and are being used strategically by the Lord to usher in world-wide revival through the media of Television. And don't forget to watch "The Call" -- in Nashville on 07-07-07. When you go to their website, you will find a program listing of times and schedules there."

Blessings in Christ, L.D. Oxford


From: Wendy Alec

Dear friends –

Below is a prophecy that was given to me by the Lord directly after the July 7 bombings – In the light of the recent attempted attacks on the UK I have felt such an urgency in my spirit that the Lord is now saying that in the UK we are now entering a time to be extremely vigilant in the spirit.

Because of the prayers of the saints the Lord has already preserved the UK and the USA from many wicked strategies – I feel an urgency in our spirit to call upon all those of you who have been called in this hour to stand with the UK – Dear friends, in America and across the world, if the Holy Spirit touches you to stand for the UK in this hour – thousands of our viewers in the UK join with you to see the mighty hand of the Lord overshadow Great Britain in these crucial days.

With great love

Wendy Alec


I saw several pockets of small fires across Europe – The fires of wicked men and organisations – And the Lord said "Holland" – Holland was very strong – then France – and then Spain and Italy – then the Lord said – "And to the North" – it was very clear and the Holy Spirit’s voice was insistent and very strong – "The NORTH – the North – the North" – and I had no clear understanding at all what the Lord meant and then I sensed a circle and heard the Holy Spirit say

– "North London - Northern England – Northern Europe" and then I heard "North Africa" – this was the circle and the circle seemed to me to be linked in some way.

These fires, God said were kindling fires – they were very small – hardly noticeable on the map – but they burned furiously – and had fiercely burning blue flames – and then I saw that some kind of NET was being loosed from the heavenlies down to earth – and I heard the Lord say


– and I saw a great angelic host – the warring host of Heaven being dispatched across Great Britain and Europe and other Northern-most and Middle-Eastern parts of the earth with swords that glistened like flaming fires

– And the Lord said – "As in the ancient of times – so as My people humble themselves and pray – a great and mighty roar of battle shall be unleashed from the heavenlies – and My mighty warring angels shall go forth – for I shall send them from the North and from the South." God was saying these were the fires of wicked men and organisations across Great Britain and Europe and beyond.

Then I saw prayer start to rise – first from small pockets of intercessors across the British Isles – these were not just prayer movements and organisations – but they were the heartfelt prayers of the saints from towns and villages all across Great Britain – these were the praying mothers and grandmothers and grandfathers – these were the prayers of the intercessors across great Britain

– and yes – they were mostly women in their homes and in tiny prayer and home groups – fallen on their knees and on their faces – and I could see that they had the full attention of the Lord – and then I saw the men – and the men were the ministers of God – and the pastors and the ministers from all across Britain rose and joined their prayers in the Spirit with the prayers of the handmaidens – and the prophets started to prophesy – and join with the apostles and the intercessors

– and then they were joined by the praying saints from across pockets in Europe and then from the North, East, South and West – and I saw a great hand arise from the North and the South and the East and the West – And the Lord said "Because of the heartfelt prayers of My saints –

I shall send my Angelic Host and the sound of their battle cry shall resound through the four corners of the earth as they prepare to meet the Princes of Darkness – For I tell you My children – A great and terrible darkness has been unleashed upon the earth in these days –

BUT I am raising up an army – I am raising up a mighty army of My people who will gird themselves up for battle – and as the sound of their voices rises up to me – and as the sound of their prayers – of their supplications comes before my throne – so in turn – My mighty warring angels be unleashed to do battle in the heavenlies.

"And through the prayers of my saints in Great Britain – through the prayers of My saints in Great Britain – through the prayers of the saints and My followers in Great Britain – the stupour and the slumber and the secular humanistic spirits that have bound My people in this nation shall start to uproot

– for my Church has had an outward semblance of power – yet its sound has been a whisper – even as My children have raised their voice in the streets of Great Britain – so the spirits of secularism and humanism have bound the mouths of My saints – but I tell you my children – there dawns another day – says the Lord – there dawns a different hour

– and I call you Oh Church – I call you My saints – This is the day and this is the hour to arise" – says the Lord – "This is the hour to stir yourselves even as the mighty men of old – lift your voices and your hearts up to my throne – for this is the day and the hour of supplication."

Then as the saints rose and started to pray – not with lip service but fervent heartfelt prayer from the heart – I saw another fire – with fierce white and orange living flames – start to burn – the prayers of the Church in Britain – and although it too started in pockets – this was the most incredible fire in the way that it spread across the nation

– It was so fierce that as it took on power – it seemed that nothing could stop its path – but the people who created the fire were fallen on their knees – and God said "Penitent hearts" – and I knew somehow that these praying saints were repenting on behalf of Britain for the sins of the nation and for the sins of omission of the church in Great Britain.

And these prayers gave the angels much strength – and the Snare of the Lord fell like a net across the dark hidden places of the earth – and I saw the terrifying whirlwind of the Lord like a fierce black whirlwind literally chase some of the evil blue pockets down – the winnowing whirlwind of the Lord of Hosts.

Then the Lord showed me a large lion – and He said – "This lion represents the nation of Great Britain" – And it was a shocking sight – for where the lion should have been filled out and sleek and gleaming – it was almost a skeleton – and its mane was barely visible – and its coat was covered in mange – and its roar which should have shaken the nations in its power and in its ferocity was strangled and barely audible.

And the Lord said "This represents both the glory of this nation at present and the state of My church as a whole in Great Britain. And I saw in great letters – the words –


And the Lord said – "Bring back My glory – Bring back My glory that your nation may once more walk in the glory of its destiny – and the Church may show forth My glory" – And the Lord showed me huge a green flourishing green tree that was planted in the European mainland

– its huge trunk seemed to be planted in Brussels and the foliage had grown so dense that the trees branches and foliage had grown over the English channel and covered Britain in a great dark shadow and thousands of smaller offshoots and branches had taken deep root in Great Britain – and I saw the roots tangled and grown into London and then through the British Isles up all the way to Scotland.

The Lord said – "These are the deep roots of secularism and humanism that have taken deep root in this nation – these are the roots that are eroding this nation’s faith! – And I saw thousands upon thousands of people bowing in obedience to this tree and the roots were tightly twisted around their ankles – but they seemed totally unaware of this – that they were bound – and so they rejected the faith of their fathers

– and I saw a great scoffing and a great decline in the traditions and the foundations of the past – and this mass of people was divided into two camps – the first huge mass of people whose ankles were bound by the gnarling roots of the green tree from Europe were younger and seemed more modern in their approach – and I saw written over their head

‘UNBELIEF’ – ‘CYNICISM’ – ‘HUMANISM’ – and the foliage and green leaves seemed to shadow their heads – and I sensed that they were being attacked at a cerebral level.

But the second group seemed to be those whose roots and foundations were from the established traditional denominations of Britain – yet they were just as affected as this first group – but I saw written over their head


and I sensed that the roots around their ankles had bound them in a different manner – that even if they heard the call of the Spirit in these days that the spiritual forces had them so bound that they could not move with the tide and the times of God – and I saw the green foliage literally cover and shadow their foreheads and eyes and I saw the word blinding.

And I said to the Lord, "Father – what does this mean?" And He said – "The spirits that led Europe into post Christian decline – have invaded Great Britain over these past decades – and have infiltrated and overshadowed the nation with the same humanism and paganism and secularism – and yet Britain is still so blinded by her roots and her foundations that she is still declaring herself a Christian nation" – but the Lord says – "That she has been shackled by the enemy." And I said "Lord what can break the shackles?"

And the Lord spoke and said "The prayers and fervent supplications of my saints in Great Britain – the repentance for the sins of commission and omission on behalf of the governments of Great Britain – on behalf of the people of Great Britain." Then I asked the Lord about the Church – and He showed me thousands of people all belonging to different denominations with divisions and literally multitudes of OPINION

– and somehow it seemed that the people’s opinion was all more important in their eyes than Gods opinion and I heard Him say: "Until their opinions become My opinion the Church will continue to be divided among itself and be weak and underfed and lack the true POWER of GOD

– Oh yes," says the lord – "There are many meetings – there are many committees – there are many opinions – opinions – but it is not the opinion and the thoughts of men’s hearts that will change the destiny of Great Britain – but the opinion and the thoughts and intents of the word of the Living God

– Humble yourselves – Humble yourselves and put aside your opinions and press into me the Living God for a living Word" – And the Lord said – "A humble and penitent heart I will not despise" – and I saw the words written – ‘DIVISIONS AND FACTIONS’.

Then as people dropped to their knees all over Britain from every walk of life and denomination – the lion started to change – and He grew strong and sleek and his roar grew stronger. And I saw written in the spirit

– "Create in me a clean heart O God – and renew a right spirit within me". And as the people started to seek the face of the Lord I saw the word ‘COURAGE’ – and I knew that in the spirit realm that Great Britain had been endowed from the beginning of time with the mantle ‘COURAGE’ – and the Lord said ‘LIONHEART’

And God said Britain has yet to move into her end time destiny in the nations - And I saw again in great letters – the words – "THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED FROM THE LION – BUT THE GLORY OF THE LORD OF HOSTS SHALL RETURN". And the lion’s roar by now had gained strength.

And then the Lord said – "Manchester – Newcastle – then Birmingham – London – Edinburgh - Glasgow – Southampton – Bournemouth." And I heard Him say "Airports" – not airlines but airports – "Malls – shopping centres" – that He was urging the saints to pray a higher protection over these places and over these things – and I felt Him go back once again to around Manchester – again I do not understand why. And then he started to speak of Great Britain’s destiny…

"Oh Great Britain, Great Britain – Isle of walls and of fortresses – I tell you that even as the glory of the Lord has departed from the Lion – so the glory of the Lion of Judah shall return – and My glory shall rest upon the Lion and the Lion once again shall open its mouth and its roar shall be heard again among the nations of this earth.

"For even as in times past, the Lion whelped many, many cubs and sent its missionaries even to the uttermost parts of the earth, so I tell you that the glory of these latter days shall be greater than that of the former – and even though in centuries past – so I sent missionaries out from this nation even to Africa, to India, to China and beyond

– so I tell you, beloved, that in the decades to come, a great mobilising of My called out ones shall occur - of men and women and boys and girls from these shores – those who even slumber at this time shall start to arise," says the Lord.


"For even as many of My children – even as much of My Church in Great Britain slumbers even this day – so I declare that I am about to blow the trumpet," says the Lord, "Yes – I the Lord God of Hosts am about to blow the trumpet in Zion – and it shall resound with a mighty roar from the heavens – and My glory shall start to fall – and My Church and My called out ones shall rouse themselves from their stupor and from their slumber," says the Lord.

"For even now – I have heard the prayers of My people – Even now – although it be but a remnant – I have heard the prayers of the watchmen on the walls of Great Britain – the watchmen who neither slumber nor sleep – and even as they have cried out to me in the midnight hour for Britain to heed My voice and to seek My face – so I tell you My children – that the day of the Lord is appearing –

And they shall rise from the East and from the West of this Isle – they shall rise from the Southernmost tip to the North – and Scotland – yes Scotland," says the Lord.

"Yes – My burning fire shall be ignited in the furthermost parts of the North – and My glory shall light a flame," says the Lord, "that shall sweep across divides and denominations – and the Pentecostals and the Evangelicals and the Anglicans, the Methodists, the Catholics and all who revere My Name and the sacrifice of My Son shall unite with one heart and as one body – and that flame shall be seen across this land

– and the cities and the villages of this nation shall start to burn with the fervency and the hunger of the Living God. For even as My Church has been bound by the shackles of compromise and passivity – I tell you that in this coming day and in this coming hour – My firebrands shall start to rise."


"And like Wilberforce – My apostolic voices shall rise in the Houses of Parliament – they shall arise in London – they shall arise in Edinburgh – they shall arise in the North of England – and even as the unions had a voice in past years that was strident and rose above the crowds and became the voice of the masses – so in like manner shall My Church’s voice start to be heard in a manner far above and beyond this present days.

"And so I shall raise My apostles – and they shall stand at the city gates and the gates of trading – and they shall stand in the government – and they shall stand in the media – and in the banking institutions and in businesses – and they shall stand in the clergy of this nation.

And I shall raise up My prophets – and they shall rise – and their faces will be as flint – and even as John Knox voice rang out above Scotland – I tell you that My prophet’s voices shall start to rise in this nation – and I call My intercessors – I call My intercessors – Pray, Pray – do not desist from your prayers – for even that which you have perceived in your spirits and that which you have yearned for – it is almost upon you.


"For surely the day of the missionaries dawns once more upon these shores –
For surely the day of the Gospel going forth to the uttermost parts of the earth dawns once more upon these shores. And as My fire starts to fall across Great Britain – I tell you that the men, the women, boys and girls – shall feel the call to leave theses isles and to travel to the continents of the earth to preach My Gospel

– And a mighty flood of evangelists – a mighty throng of missionaries shall leave this nation – and I shall thrust them into the four corners of the earth – and they shall go to Japan – and they shall go to Beijing – and they shall go to Africa – East and West – and they shall go to Europe – and to the Middle East – and I shall spread them as a net over the continent of Asia.

"And I shall open doors to My Gospel that have previously been shut – Even the doors of iron and of brass shall be opened unto the missionaries from the British Isles – Vietnam – North Korea and beyond. And there shall be a great flood and a torrent of My Gospel that shall once more go forth from this land

– And I shall send Bibles from this land – and I shall send resources – resources – resources from Great Britain – that will feed – that will clothe – that will build – that will teach – that will establish My Gospel in the four corners of the earth. For this is the destiny of this land in latter days," says the Lord – "To resource – to nurture – to establish – to preach My Gospel. And even as in past days – this Empire was established – so I tell you that in this coming day and this coming hour it shall be the Empire of the Great King of Heaven that shall be established.


"And there has yet to rise from these shores one who has a rod of iron – in the decades to come – you shall yet see one rise who has My government upon his shoulders – and he shall rise in the government – and he shall rise in this nation and he shall rule with a rod of iron," says the Lord. "

And he will come at such a time when Great Britain is faltering – and I shall do this because of the prayers of My people – For there shall be a great swarm that shall rise against these isles in the decades to come – A great swarm as an army will arise across the waters around this nation – but this man with the rod of iron shall stand firm – And the nation shall take courage – and the lionheart of Britain shall arise as one – and the great swarm shall turn back and even in an instant – be stopped in their tracks," says the Lord.


"And there will be a great joining of the Lion and the Eagle – and even as the voices in the streets and the byways – the murmuring, the complaining of any alliance between the United States and Britain – so I tell you that these voices neither discern the times nor the purposes of the Living God – For even as the Eagle came to the Lion’s aid in times gone by – so I tell you that in this coming season – once again this alliance between the Lion and the Eagle shall be forged and the forge shall not be broken," says the Lord, – "because it is destined by Heaven.

"And a great wave of prayer shall rise up from the East Coast of America through the heartland to the West – and that wave of prayer and intercession shall wash across Britain as a fiercely burning flame – and shall cleanse and protect – but in the years ahead – so the prayers of the saints in Britain shall rise and like a wave they shall spread across America – and preserve and protect – and a great joining shall occur and this joining shall not be the joining of man," says the Lord "but the joining of Almighty God

"And this nation shall return to its Christian roots – It shall RETURN to its Christian roots – and the glory of the Lion of Judah shall once more return and rest upon the Lion.
"IF my people repent of the sins of this nation and humble themselves and pray."

~ Wendy Alec

God.tv / Unknown Prophet


Permission is granted (and we encourage you) to forward the prophecies from The Journal of the Unknown Prophet as the Spirit leads. You can reprint in hard copy form, send them to your own e-mail lists and post them on your own website. All we ask is that website information, e-mail contact information and author information remain intact. For all other permissions and enquiries, including publishers, please contact Shirley Ferrier, Head of Publishing, Warboys Limited at email .


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