May 4, 2010


Joshua Apostolic Prophetic Network

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"The great blinding is a blinding of My children's hearts and of their minds that has caused them to dwell in and to live for all that which is the temporal-instead of that which is eternal.

"The world has been caught up in the great blinding to such a degree that they cannot see beyond that which they can see and touch and sense. The spirit of the world has them in its grasp, and the love of the Father is not in them.

I have grieved as I have watched My saints fall prey to this same spirit. As the spirit of the world has entangled them, their minds and hearts have become blinded with the deceptions of all that is temporal. They have started to live and to desire that which brings the reward and the praise of man in the kingdom of Earth.

"But My Kingdom is not of this world, My child. And how I grieve, for few there are today that truly know and understand this saying. For the ways of My Kingdom are foolish to the temporal world, and so it is that in this last age many of My servants have been seduced by the spirit of the world and have suffered a great and terrible blinding.

For they live more- Oh far more for what is counted and recorded in the books of man and of Earth than for that which is recorded in the books of Heaven. And that which is recorded and that counts for so much on Earth counts often for so little in My courts. For so many of My children still live for the praises and accolades and the rewards of men.

"So many of My ministers still live for that which Heaven counts as hay and as wood and what shall be burnt up in an instant as stubble when they stand before My judgment seat.

"And so I grieve with a great grieving-for My children spend their resources and the resources of My Kingdom on that which is seen and that lasts but for a moment-but eternity is built on the unseen and on the souls of men and of women.

For they have been blinded with a great and terrible blinding-a blinding by the spirit of the world-but the world will perish and will pass away, but he who does the will and the purposes of My Father shall live forever."


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