May 26, 2006


(excerpts of visitations)
~L.D. Oxford
During my teen-age years i had more supernatural encounters with God where He took me into His Glory and showed me things that have changed my life forever.
I was 16 years old and was going through a difficult time of depression. It had gotten to the point where i was desperately calling out to God in my suffering. The warfare and attacks going on in other areas of my life were so great that i was completely overwhelmed from this. I had no one else around me who could understand what i was going through.
Even at church, they did not understand or discern what i was going through. Mainly because when i was there, i did not come across as being a depressed person, so people really didn't think that i was suffering, although on the inside i was.
It seemed that during this time, my neighborhood friends were not really there for me either. So all that I could do was to cry out to God about my condition. I continued to do this until He finally did come to deliver me from this depression a few days later.
He came in a mighty visitation that completely set me free.I was laying upon my bed praying and crying out God this particular day, when suddenly the ceiling dissappeared when the glory of God appeared.
The strong arm of the Lord reached down out of the heavenly realm and pulled my spirit man right up out of my body into the shekinah glory of His presence. It was so bright that i could not look directly into it. I could only stand because of the ability that the Lord gave to me to do so.
At that time, i became aware of someone standing next to me on my left side. So i turned to look and it was Jesus standing there watching me. He gave to me that same look of fiery love and compassion that he had given once before at the age of twelve.
He took hold of my hand at that time and smiled at me. One thing i knew right then, was that i was completely delivered from depression because i was totally bathed and saturated with his holy presence and love.
During this encounter, the Lord took me into the midst of angelic heavenly music that was taking place in His presence. It was music unlike anything that i had ever heard on earth and was sung in a heavenly language.
It was like the angels were singing with one voice although i knew that there must have been millions of them. The harmony was so pure and perfect that you would not be able to distinguish how many of them were singing through human understanding. You just knew through the knowledge and understanding of the Spirit of God that they were.
As i listened to this angelic music, wave after wave of God's power and love surged through my entire being, and this did not stop until several days after this visitation. When this encounter ended, the next thing that i knew was that i found myself back on my bed at home.
After this particular experience, i was continually bathed in the presence of God and could still hear this angelic music in waves for several days. Praise God, i was freed from depression and it couldn't come back either.
During that same time period a little later, there was another visitation. Where God literally carried me away in the Spirit to the harvest field in another nation which i knew to be Africa.
In the encounter, the Spirit of God took me and placed me upon a very large open air platform. At the time, i could see spiritually what was going on from several different demensions. At one point, i could look back at the platform from a front view while i was still standing there.
But i could not see myself at all. Why? Because Jesus was standing in front of me and all that the people could see was Him standing in front of me during this time of ministry.
As i was standing there, i knew that i was physically an older man in this vision. A man in his later years. During this vision, while standing there on this platform, the audible voice of God spoke to me twice in a commanding voice.
He first commanded me to point to the heavens and to command the rain to fall, ...then it fell upon the people there. The second command was to point to the heavens and to command the fire to fall from heaven... then it did also.
So, the Lord was showing me at the age of 16, that these are some of the things that He is going to have His people doing more of in the last days. These will be powerful signs and wonders that will follow the Word as the Spirit of God directs and commands.
I have already seen this happen through the years with the rain and the fire falling spiritually during times of ministry...and where the Lord just rained down in abundance upon the people in mighty ways. Then there have been those times where the fire is falling upon the people, a purifying fire of the Holy Spirit.
And this rain and fire is going to be manifested in more "visual ways" in the days to come, where everyone involved including those around the parameters of ministry such as unbelievers will be able to see it "visually" with their own eyes. Some may even call the fire department when this happens! :)
(These are just a few short testimonials)
Later on in my adult years, i walked through the valley of the shadow of death and experienced a number of dark times in my life. I will not go into every detail as it might take a "notebook" to do that. :)
*I had lost everything that i owned (God gave it back in abundance)
*I had been robbed unknowingly until i found out soon after.(God returned it back many times over)
*I spent days treading through the freezing snow at 10-15 below zero. ( the Lord gave a new beautiful place to live with good heating)
*Had been falsely accused a number of times, mostly from religious spirited people who didn't even know me personally.(God has always gradually vindicated every situation)
*Set up by the enemy with jealous lies, gossip and slander influenced by the spirit of Jezebel. (In some cases there had been repentance from that...but most of the time God's righteous judgement comes upon those situations.... However, I just kept my hands off of it, didn't try to defend myself.... and let the Lord take care of it. You just bless them and move on)
Even during these situations, i usually had ministry engagements to go to which proved to be divine appointments and more powerful, even so.
*When i didn't have a car overseas, he gave me a driver who drove a new late model luxury car, who offered to be my driver to appointments and engagements. (A church paid him to do it without me knowing at the time) In the midst of these things God still does powerful and wonderful things when we give our lives for Him.
*I lost my only child (my son) that was to be born, (but the Lord gave to me a number of spiritual sons and daughters during that time period.)
*I was almost killed several times overseas by dangerous gangsters, (but he delivered me from those horrible times that took place in my life.) And there have been more types of incidents since. But God is always faithful!!
What i have shared with you here is only a "drop in the bucket" of what takes place in the lives of those who are obedient and determined to serve God at any cost.
Each time, He came to my rescue as the greatest friend that a man could ever have and i have been walking and abiding in Him ever since ...also having a thankful heart to Him for all of the difficult times in my life.
He still continues to be my dearest friend and has always delivered me from various dangerous or risky situations that i have found myself in.
But even if He did not come through for me in some of those situations, i will still love Him and serve Him, just the same.If He doesn't work things out one way, then that means that He has a better way in store for you.
So if any of these things ever happen to you, then know that He will be your God, your father, your greatest friend and Deliverer too. Just trust Him completely with your life and use the faith that He has already given to you.
You don't need to pray for more faith, but to use that faith that you already have. He will never let you down when you place your full trust in Him !!!
I started out as a barefoot, misunderstood, awkward, struggling twelve year old boy without hope, who God placed a unique pair of shoes on ... that he would later take as a representative to the nations for Him.
Its not about me at all, but it is all about bringing glory to the one who gave His life for me. The one who delivered me from the jaws of hell, death and destruction.It's all for Him. He's my dearest friend, my deliverer and the love of my heart and soul. His name is Jesus and He is the King!
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