Feb 27, 2011

ELEVEN WORDS FOR 2011 -- PART 2 of 2

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ELEVEN WORDS FOR 2011 -- PART 2 of 2

~ by Dennis Cramer


• Open Theism: Teaches God is Not Sovereign = BAD DOCTRINE

Teaches that God does not always know the outcome of earthly events when man is involved – that man can actually catch God "off guard," surprise Him, and alter His will. For example, it teaches that God did not know Adam was going to sin. Yet there are numerous verses that clearly teach God is sovereign and knew exactly what was going to happen and when it was going to happen. If God did not know that Adam was going to sin, then why was the Lamb slain from before the foundations of the world? (1 Peter 1:18-20). Additional proof texts: Ephesians 1:4, Psalm 139:4, Psalm 139:16, Isaiah 46:10, Ecclesiastes 3:11, 1 John 3:20, John 21:17.

If God is not omniscient, then He is not sovereign. If He is not sovereign, then He is not God. God is all-knowing: past, present, and future. Open theism is a dangerous teaching that under-mines the sovereignty, majesty, infinitude, knowledge, existence, and glory of God and exalts the nature and condition of man's own free will. A god of open theism is not as knowledgeable or as ever-present as the true God of the Bible.

• Ultimate Reconciliation/Restitution of All Things = BAD DOCTRINE

Teaches that Hell will one day be emptied, that all of mankind (saved and unsaved) will live together eternally in Heaven, regardless of their actions while they lived on earth. This is an old heresy that pops up every fifty years or so. There is no Biblical basis for this very dangerous doctrine.

• The "Nefilin" Children Alive on Earth = BAD DOCTRINE

Teaches that there are currently living beings on the earth who are the distant offspring of the original "giants" conceived by angels and women mentioned in the book of Genesis. This is pure speculation. Recent books on the subject have caught our attention, but this topic was never supposed to be a major Bible doctrine. Some authors have taken extreme liberty and license to write about it. Again, it is pure speculation and could serve as a distraction from more important issues in the Church.

• Open Heaven/Spiritual Portals = BAD DOCTRINE

Teaches that we, as Christians, should be asking God to "rend the heavens" and open them to us so we can experience God's power and presence. Actually, this is totally unnecessary since God, through Jesus Christ, has already fully opened the heavens to each and every Believer. Every Believer has been walking under the "Open Heaven" atmosphere from the moment they were born again. Hebrews calls it the "Throne of Grace" (Hebrews 4:16). This "Throne of Grace" in Heaven is already open and available 24/7 – to all Believers who access it in the name of Jesus. How? By faith.

• Third Heaven Experiences At Will = BAD DOCTRINE

See my introduction above

• Going to Heaven At Will to Get Your Gifts = BAD DOCTRINE

See my introduction above.

There is no Biblical record of any Believer having to go to Heaven to get any gift. This is a totally unnecessary spiritual exercise. The three listings of gifts in Romans, 1 Corinthians and Ephesians have all been in the Church for over two thousand years. They are not in Heaven, so why go there to get them? The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have each deposited Their respective gifts in the Church here on earth. For 2,000 years, Christians have been receiving here ON EARTH from this great deposit of gifts. "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, ON EARTH, as it is in Heaven." Amen!

• Cloud of Witnesses/Dead Saints = BAD DOCTRINE

Teaches that Christians should expect the intervention of dead saints in our daily lives. This entire deception is based on a terribly irresponsible interpretation of a single obscure verse in Hebrews 12:1. We do not need dead saints intervening in our lives. We have Jesus as our Mediator, the ONLY Mediator we need between God and man (1 Timothy 2:5), and He is not dead. He is alive! Necromancy, that is communication with the dead (any dead), is forbidden in Scripture.

• Traveling in Time At Will = BAD DOCTRINE

I have been unable to find this in the Bible. Let alone doing it "at will."

• Transporting Physically At Will = BAD DOCTRINE

See my introduction above.

• Over-Emphasis on Angels and Specifically Arc-Angels = BAD DOCTRINE

Yes, they are real. But an angelic visitation is a rare and precious event. Most Christians will never have an encounter with one. And it is extremely unlikely that a Christian will be visited by an arc angel. Michael and Gabriel were given specific, significant, world-changing tasks in the Scriptures. It is likely that they have more important things to do than to drop by your house for a visit!

• Going into Trances At Will = BAD DOCTRINE

See my introduction above.

• Trance Dancing = BAD DOCTRINE

I have been unable to find this in the Bible.

• Going to Hell to Discern Evil Spirits = BAD DOCTRINE

No one in the Bible ever had to go to Hell to discern a spirit. Why should we?

• Hyper-Grace: Christians Do Not Need to Repent of Sin = BAD DOCTRINE

The only Biblical response for sin is ALWAYS repentance for both the sinner and the saved. How else can a Believer be accountable for his sin except to repent of it? No form of grace removes the Believer's responsibility to repent for his sin.

• Quick Restoration of Fallen Church Leaders = BAD DOCTRINE

Why should a fallen leader necessarily be restored back to his ministry, especially after numerous failures over the space of years? Sometimes fallen leaders should not be restored back to ministry at all, but back to finding a secular job, loving their spouse, and raising their kids. However, if it is decided that a fallen leader be restored back to his ministry, I am not against restoring that leader. I am however against restoring that leader too quickly.

• Divorce Among Christians without Consequences = BAD DOCTRINE

All of us are aware of the terrible increase of divorce among Christians. Yet, what troubles me more is the lack of consequences from these divorces. Covenant is very important to God. Divorce is not God's best. Breaking the marriage covenant is a serious issue. Yet many Christians, and even ministers, never miss a step. One day they divorce and soon after they are back in the pulpit and/or often in a new marriage.

• The Bible Contains Cultural and Gender Biases = BAD DOCTRINE

No, it does not! I've actually been told by pastors that they have made decisions to counter the various biases that they perceive in the Bible. I was stunned! How can the Bible be inerrant, infallible, and contain biases and/or prejudices at the same time? It cannot! But some preach this from their pulpits, misrepresenting God's Word, the Bible.

4. Seducing Spirits! (1 Timothy 4:1-4). There has been loosed on the Church for 2,000 years a literal army of demons whose sole task is to deceive the Church! Unfortunately, these deceiving, seducing spirits are enjoying some of their most successful efforts. Why?

The average Believer does not know His Bible. The Bible is absolute truth, forever settled in Heaven. It is our sword of the Spirit – two-edged and deadly. To be Bible-ignorant is to have no offensive weapon against our enemy satan. Our ONLY defense against our enemy is a proven offense. And our proven offense against this hoard of demons is the written Word of God, the Bible. Jesus wielded this same written Word-sword against satan in the wilderness with great results. So should you!

I hear the Church saying again, "DEVIL, IT IS WRITTEN!" It does not matter what you think, feel, sense, or even believe. It does not matter what experience you claim to have had, or how many trips to Heaven you claim to have made, or how many angels you know on a first name basis. The only thing that matters is what God said in His Word. Know your Bible.

5. The Devourer! (Malachi 3:11). WARNING: All non-tithing Believers are going to fall victim to a spirit called the "Devourer" unless they return to a systematic lifestyle of financial giving that the Bible calls tithes and offerings! This demonic entity, an actual living thing, will attach itself to the finances of any non-tithing Believer. However, for all faithful tithing Believers the results will be the opposite: God will rebuke this devourer for their sake, and they will enjoy the "open windows of Heaven" lifestyle promised for all who do not "rob" God. They will be a "blessed land" with showers of financial provision from above! Know your Bible.

6. Divorce! Some Believers will suffer the consequences of unwisely entering into unscriptural divorces. These divorces of convenience have angered God, bringing Him to place judgments upon some ministers and their ministries. We need to be reminded that God hates divorce. Know your Bible.

7. Deception! Many will willingly and increasingly enter into incorrect thinking. Hardcore deception will find a home in the Church in 2011 if we are not diligent to know and follow the Word of God. Remember these words from Scripture: "Be not deceived!" This is a command, and the responsibility of all Bible-believing Believers. Notice that deception is a choice! We must choose not to be deceived in 2011. How? Know your Bible!

8. Prophets! As a Prophet, Jesus Christ enjoyed only a very brief season of popularity, followed by His crucifixion as a falsely convicted criminal. Many prophets will suffer the same fate in 2011. I fear that the season of popularity for many prophets is over. As James wrote, "As an example of SUFFERING, take the prophets." Know your Bible.

9. Underground! An exciting and even more powerful supernatural "underground Church" will emerge in 2011. The true Church is much smaller than many think it is. And true apostles and prophets will emerge within this true underground Church. Essentially, a nameless and faceless core, these foundational ministries will re-direct their efforts away from their so called networks, and will devote themselves to returning to the local Church level where their greatest effect and spiritual impact on the Body of Christ will be realized. Know your Bible.

10. Prize! God gave me this verse for literally every Believer worldwide for 2011. "I press toward the goal (in 2011) for the PRIZE of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Remember that you have been apprehended by God, for God. Let's all forget about those things that are behind, and reach forward (in 2011) for those things which are ahead. There is an eternal prize awaiting you! Know your Bible.

11. Pearl! Jesus Christ is the Pearl of great price. He is your ultimate reward for 2011. He is your Master and you serve Him and Him alone for 2011! Make 2011 the year in which you live for Him again without reservation. It is time to sell everything (figuratively speaking) and purchase that Pearl of great price in 2011 and beyond! Amen! Know your Bible.

Beloved, I think you get my point: Know your Bible!

Hope this helps, Dennis Cramer, Dennis Cramer Ministries

Resources: http://www.denniscramer.com/

Note: (Feel free to leave your feedback in the comments area.)

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