Feb 27, 2011

ELEVEN WORDS FOR 2011 -- PART 1 of 2

Joshua Apostolic Prophetic Network

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ELEVEN WORDS FOR 2011 -- PART 1 of 2

Resources: http://www.denniscramer.com/

Below are the "Eleven Words for 2011" with clarification from Dennis Cramer:

It is Time to Dust Off Your Bible!

Picture in your mind, if you will, the image of an unused, dust-covered Bible. Now picture in your mind that this same dust-covered Bible is your Bible! This is not a good image to be sure, especially for a Bible-believing Christian in 2011. Sadly, many Christians now read more books about the Bible then they do the Bible itself.

Consequently, many in the Church have gradually and somewhat unknowingly, become Biblically ignorant, unaware or stunted. And doctrinally speaking, anything goes. There is now wide-spread acceptance of "marginal to heretical" doctrines. Just 25 years ago individuals would have been thrown out of the Church if caught teaching these heresies. How did this happen?

Simply, we have become Biblically ignorant. We have not been diligent to feed on the unadulterated Word of God. We are at best malnourished, and in some cases, starving to death. Biblical ignorance is on the increase in the Church, even to epidemic levels! Like any form of "lack" created by ignorance which can lead to sickness, only the proper "intake," or in these cases, only proper Biblical education can remedy it.

Warning: We Live in an Age of "Anything Goes" Theology! The Charismatic Church is in Big Trouble!

So, here is my 2011 prophetic "prescription" for this beautiful but Biblically challenged, even unhealthy, Bride.

1. Orthodoxy! I would like to prescribe a good healthy dose of the written Word of God, the Bible. The Church needs an immediate injection of the truth! We must all pray for the Church to return to the orthodoxy (traditional belief) of Scripture. This means a return to the proper reading, INTERPRETATION, and application of the Bible in our lives. There is a growing trend toward some really bad doctrine out there. And we, the Church, must put a stop to it! If we don't, no one else will! The Church must begin to police herself against unorthodox (false) teaching and bizarre practices. You must reaquaint yourself with the Scriptures and know your Bible.

In 40 years of serving God, I have not heard so much bad doctrine preached from so-called "Bible-believing" Christians – specifically charismatic Christians.

2. Berea! We must pray for a "Berean Revival" in the Church – a revival which returns us all to our roots – our roots in the Word of God. In the Bible, the original Bereans were Believers who "searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things be so." There is a lot of doctrine currently in circulation in the charismatic Church that is highly questionable – even heretical.

Each Believer must begin to "search the Scriptures" for himself to discover whether what he is believing is Biblical or not (Acts 17:11). Stop unequivocally trusting ministers and their pulpits to always and completely preach the truth – some do, some do not. You need to search and know the Scriptures for yourself. If their teachings sound too good to be true – they very well may be! Know your Bible.

3. Preach the Word! (2 Timothy 4:2). It is time for the Church to return to her basic Bible beliefs (fundamental doctrines) and the core values these fundamental doctrines produce. Peripheral doctrines or beliefs are peripheral for a reason, and can lead to dangerous theologically positions and questionable practices. We must stop extracting obscure, vague, single, solitary verses out of context, and stop trying to make major "sound" doctrines out of them.

This "stretching of the truth" must stop. Some of our so-called "proof texts" do not prove what's being preached at all. We are "twisting the Scriptures to our own destruction." We must again major in major doctrine and minor in the minor ones. My prophetic word to all Pastors/Teachers for 2011 is simple: "Preach the Word!" Know your Bible.

Some examples of current doctrine circulating in the Church: You must believe me that I am NOT making this stuff up!

ELEVEN WORDS FOR 2011 -- (Continued in PART 2 of 2)

Note: (Feel free to leave your feedback in the comments area.)

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