Jun 12, 2007


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(For high-speed cable and dsl internet users)


~ L.D. Oxford


(Notes and Commentary)

The Spirit of Baal is a ruling spirit that is over our nation and is also strongly connected with the events of the middle east and with Israel, Iran and the Iraq situation.

It has been holding back most of the transfer of wealth, which is needing to come forth that the harvest may come in, as the Lord knows that it takes finances to bring in the harvest. This spirit of Baal has been a major stronghold over America, and is over the Jezebel spirit in ranking in the spiritual realm.

The fact that this spirit has been uncovered is a strong sign that we are making progress in bringing this stronghold down, if the people of God will get serious enough to stand together and to take this thing down through warfare and intercession.

One of the main problems with this, is that a large segment of the Body of Christ are under this mixture of this spirit of Baal, which creates a duality in the people of God, and also causes them to remain in a position of compromise, covenant breaking and unfaithfulness.

This spirit of Baal is working overtime in such haste, which is an indicator that it knows that it has been uncovered, and can be taken down from over our nation and the church, before it is all over. This year is one of the most critical years that we have entered into and has been getting more and more critical with each passing year.

The word Baal means "ownership", rule or ruler, master or mastery, lord, ruler of the earth, also partner, ally, husband, or to marry. The false gods mentioned and worshipped in the Bible were all demon gods. Ruler spirits, and Baal was known as the chief god of the Caananites.

All of the idols came under Baal. Baal was chief and Baal was the principle figure of the entire system of Idol worship. In ancient writings, Baal was claimed to have died and resurrected, which was a false counterfeit of the death of Christ on the cross and His resurrection.

Baal was known as the god of people, fertility, vegetation, crops, weather, sun god worship, to mention only a few. When Elijah was contending with Baal, which was what Jezebel, the prophets of Baal and the regional people looked to for their well-being and prosperity.

The Lord of Hosts demonstrated through Elijah, that He is the one and only true all-powerful God, who should be looked unto as the only source of life, truth, real prosperity and well-being.Chuck Pierce said, that this spirit showed up in his room, and when this spirit of Baal came, he came into direct confrontation with this demonic force for a period of an hour.

Chuck also shared that it was revealed to him, that the spirit of Baal must be empowered through male prostitution. This spirit is also kept in empowerment through the religious worship system and through the compromise in those systems. Also through an impure mixture of worship towards the real God, the Lord of hosts.

This spirit threatened to kill him and told Chuck that he would not make it back to the sanctuary the following morning. In the midst of this, a severe car crash took place right in front of Chuck the following morning on his way to the sanctuary.

Chuck proclaimed: The Kingdom of God is moving forward and the Baal structure is coming down.The Spirit of Baal is connected with wealth and is also the ruler spirit that is hindering the transfer of wealth, which is not happening on the full scale that the Lord would intend for the ingathering of the harvest.

The people of God need to fast and pray concerning the resistance that has been taking place with this ruling spirit. The fact that this spirit is being uncovered is an indication that we are moving into a season where we can dislodge this spirit and to unseat this thing from over America.

Chuck Pierce mentioned in one of his earlier meetings, that we have a 18 months window of time that will determine which way we go as a nation.We have gained momentum of some victory in some areas, but the complete breakthrough and awakening in the Body of Christ is not going to happen automatically based on the sovereignty of God, but will happen as the people of God come into repentance and cooperate in partnership with the Lord.

But it is not going to happen if we stop and do nothing more.It is going to happen, but the question is, is He going to do it with this generation or is He going to have to by-pass this generation to do it with the next generation who have willing hearts.

This is the question. It's not if, but when is God going to do this. It all depends on the people of God, and if we stop now, then we lose and cause everyone else in our generation to lose also. When warnings are issued, it does not mean that we are not going to get there, but warnings are meant to wake the body of Christ up out of complacency and to get them into active service.

We are winning in some areas as a remnant Body of Christ while a large segment of the Body continues to sleep. But the victory over all of this is not secure when the people of God refuse to cooperate with God, just as the Israelites were in the wilderness.

This spirit of Baal is also very connected to the Middle east, with the spirit of Babylon, and what is going on with the war and violence there. The present conflicts that are going on are meant to unseat the Spirit of Babylon and are also connected with the opening of the eyes of a billion muslims, so that the great harvest of the muslim nations that has been prophesied for the last ten years will take place.

2007 is one of the most critical years that we have come into and it is now time for the Body of Christ to arise and to get into "active duty" on a greater scale.


Rule, ruler, mastery, lord, god, possessor, partner, ally, husband, to marry

As a assigment on the Joshua AP Network E-list, those of you who have high speed internet (dsl or cable), please take the time to listen and to learn from the following videos below.

Message given at the Glory of Zion, "Starting the Year Off Right" Conference, in Denton, Texas:


(For high-speed internet users - Cable and dsl)

Dutch Sheets - Part 1 - 22 min. Video

Dutch Sheets - Part 2 - 22 min. Video

Dutch Sheets - Part 3 - 22 min. Video

Dutch Sheets- Part 4 - 18 min. Video

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