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May 4, 2010
Joshua Apostolic Prophetic Network
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And suddenly it was as though a heavy, heavenly veil was drawn back in the Spirit realm, and I saw the satanic princes in their battle dress standing in their chariots, directing the great mass of hellish battalions and powers and principalities-and they were standing as a great and seemingly fearsome mass in a line that stretched to eternity, waiting.
And then a great shofar was sounded, and the fallen satanic princes and generals took their places in front of the battalions, as the great rumbling of Satan's chariots thundered. And all as one, they bowed their heads-as the prince of darkness made his entrance.
And as he stood there-all terrible in his damnable arrogance and rebellion-he lifted his sword high to the heavenlies, and again, as one man, I saw the princes and their battalions follow suit, and I heard Lucifer's spine-chilling cry: "It is TIME!"
And the hordes of hell resounded with a great and terrible cry: "It is TIME." And as Lucifer turned to his fallen princes, I could hear his malicious hiss: "IT IS TIME TO TARGET THE CHAMPIONS."
And immediately it was as though I was back under the trees on the beautiful English lawn in front of the manor house where Jesus was standing-His countenance filled with such beauty, such grace-but His eyes seemed filled with a deep and unstoppable pain. He reached out His hand to me: "It has begun," He said.
I could hardly decipher His words, such was His anguish that it was as though He was choking with grief: "My children are falling. It has begun."
And still I could hardly make out His words for the great emotion that came from Him, and the tears could not keep from falling down His cheeks as He came toward me: "The targeting of the champions-My Father's champions here on Earth.
The hosts of hell have been assigned for the past decades waiting for this hellish moment in the spirit realm, listening for the release of My End-Time move from Heaven. They have heard the mighty rush of My holy angels, and so in turn they have unleashed the most violent satanic assault that
Earth has yet seen since the days of My birth when Satan's wrath was unleashed through Herod against the babes in arms in a huge murderous onslaught."
I stared at Him transfixed. And again a terrible grieving filled His countenance. "My children, My generals, My leaders, My priests..."
His voice was barely audible. I could almost feel His agony, for indeed as He thought of you and me, He was suffering for us. "The champions of My Father's household think they are prepared. Some do not fear the enemy..." He hesitated.
"And that is good and right, but they also do not fear the Father. They rely on their own strength, on their own integrity, on their own valor." He looked unwaveringly into my eyes.
"It is hard for My Father to reach these, for they are blinded by their own deceptions and will easily be overcome by the battalions you just glimpsed. For many will succumb to the snare of the great deceiver of their souls-pride. But My grieving at this moment is not for them.
"My Father loves His children." He looked at me. "You cannot yet understand with what tremendous passion and compassion the Father holds for His redeemed ones. They are His greatest treasures in the universe. He delights in His children. He longs for their fellowship-for their communion with Him.
The Father does not base His love for His household on their gifting or talent or on those who in the world's eyes have so much to offer. But He has delighted to choose the foolish things of the Earth, for in His great and unfathomable wisdom He knew that those who realize that they are the most undeserving will be those who have fully embraced the fact that without His love they are completely unqualified.
"The Father knows that these are the ones who will lean their minds and hearts unquestionably on His Being-those who limp with the scars of his chastening and of their own inadequacy-those who know that within themselves there is no good thing except their hope in Him. These are His champions-and My daughter-these are the prime targets for the onslaught of the enemy that you have just seen."
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