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"Even in the generation that preceded this present Church Age, some of My greatest servants succumbed to discouragement, and this led in turn to strong delusion. The enemy will do his utmost at this time to discourage and impede and roadblock My purposes and My plans. And to those whose limbs grow too weary, whose hearts grow faint with weariness, he will start to cloud their vision." Jesus' tone was urgent.
"And visions that were birthed in power and in clarity and in the vigor of the Holy Spirit will seem to become clouded. Legions of satanic voices have been unleashed, and the voice of the enemy will whisper doubt and confusion and unbelief to the weary soul. If seriously entertained, these satanic whisperings shall gain a foothold in the hearts and minds of some of My servants, and they shall think to themselves: I have sowed and there is no reaping. There is no harvest. I have labored for nought, for the fruit is so little.
"So know, My child, to warn My servants that when they hear these voices, to immediately discard them, not even to entertain such a train of thought, for it is a train of thought carefully strategized by the legions of the damned with intent to discourage and to delude even the elect. For these voices will question My faithfulness. These voices will question My Word. These voices have one intent, to seduce My children away from My Father.
"When Elijah ran from Jezebel in the wilderness, he had just slain all the prophets of Baal with the sword. He had seen My mighty hand of deliverance. But on receiving Jezebel's message, he ran for his life. And in these times, many of My servants who are mightily called and anointed by Me for the work in My End-Time moves have received a message from this same spirit of Jezebel that was at work against My prophet Elijah. And that message is the same today as it was then: ‘So let the gods do to me, and more also if I make not your life as the life of one of them by tomorrow.'
"And so My servants who have become weary of the battle and of standing against the darkness and warring in the high places of the Earth have become afraid and arisen and have run for their lives and cried out to Me as Elijah did: ‘It is enough; now, O Lord, take away my life.'"
Jesus sighed, but His sigh was not of exasperation, but filled with a deep concern and compassion
"My Father and I have heard the cry of Our servants. My body has not understood the depth of discouragement which has gripped their souls." He hesitated.
"I have watched from Heaven as some of My servants became weary in well-doing, and because of the tremendous opposition and discouragements of the soul, they fell to discouragement, pride and eventually to strong delusions."
I could feel the Lord's hurt. "I have loved these men. They loved Me for many, many years with a pure heart, but they fell into Jezebel's snare and were deceived.
"Many of My servants today face the same pitfalls. Many have served Us day by day in the hidden places of service, unseen by man but known of Me. Many of them have poured out their lives and their substance for the sake of the Gospel and for My Kingdom, but they have seen little fruit. Some have done mighty exploits, some have faithfully served day by day. But many, so many, have become weary and are ready to faint.
"For Jezebel has sent her message to them saying: ‘I will make your life as one of them (slain by the sword tomorrow).' And so the Father of Lies has sown seeds of deception in My servants' souls-questioning their faithfulness, questioning My protection-that My servants have began to doubt My very hand upon their lives. And they have become depressed and dismayed and lost their purpose that once was so clear, and like Elijah, they cry out: ‘And I only, I am left, and the enemy seeks my life to take it away.'
"Many of these ones in the past years have given themselves to activity rather than to intimate fellowship with Me. It is essential that in this season that they take time out and draw aside to Me in intimacy in My presence so that they can find refreshing.
"This assignment is far more deadly to those who are called to do as Martha than those who sit like Mary. Many of these have great administrative gifts; they are ably equipped to do, they are equipped to run ministries, equipped to run churches, equipped to run businesses. Others have become so caught up in the activity of ministering to others that they have been caught up in the activity of serving and have lost intimacy with Me and have become depleted.
"The more intensely discouraged that My servants become, the more they have leaned on natural, carnal methods to change their circumstance and have become spiritually depleted. This discouragement in turn has kept them away from My face and My presence where they would find My supernatural encouragement, strength, fortitude and divine strategy to unlock their circumstances.
"Tell them they must draw unto Me. I am their lifegiver. I am their encourager. I am their anchor. I am their sustenance. That I would allure these My children to Myself and gently, as My angel spoke to Elijah, say: Child, arise and eat. Draw aside and replenish yourself. Guard your minds and hearts from the father of all lies and deceiver of your souls."
The woman was robed in purple and scarlet and bedecked with gold, precious stones, and pearls, [and she was] holding in her hand a golden cup full of the accursed offenses and the filth of her lewdness and vice. And on her forehead there was inscribed a name of mystery [with a secret symbolic meaning]: Babylon the great, the mother of prostitutes (idolatresses) and of the filth and atrocities and abominations of the earth. I also saw that the woman was drunk, [drunk] with the blood of the saints (God's people) and the blood of the martyrs [who witnessed] for Jesus. And when I saw her, I was utterly amazed and wondered greatly.
Revelation 17:4-6, amp
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