Feb 1, 2006


L.D. Oxford Blog- Joshua-ap.net


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Todays message:


by Dutch Sheets


Sharing from the heart

from L.D. Oxford

Dear Joshua-ap.net subscribers:

Today i recieved the following article from Lindy that was written by Dutch Sheets on "THE SHIFT FOR 2006."

I sensed that i needed to share this article here with you today on the blog and know that this will shed tremendous insight on what the Lord is doing this year, both individually and corporately in the Body of Christ.

The Lord has had so many of us in such a transition during the past year through testings, shakings, shiftings, adjustments, setting many free from the mindsets of the past, while clarifying vision and assignments.

He is bringing us into that new move of His spirit where changing from the old way of doing things into the new is "an absolute must" for all of his people to not only wake up, but to heed to.

God loves each and every one of us too much to allow any of us to remain the same. And that goes for all of His people. If you are reading this and think that this message must be for someone else.....no, it is for you too. :)

Alot of people seem to talk about this "new thing" alot and sometimes talk and act as if the new thing that God is doing, is "doing their own new thing", when it is not.

Sometimes the religious spirit and mindset that goes along with that only changes faces, when in fact, it is a time for God's people to learn what it means to be true disciples of the Lord and to learn to follow Him.

This involves getting back to the basics of a committed, sold out relationship with God, and when this happens, then ones life will begin to change all the way around.

This involves getting back into spending more time with God, more of the personal study of His Word, while walking out that obedience to Him daily through His grace.

There is a great need for more discipline, getting emotionally healed through the power of forgiveness and recieving the needed correction in love once again through the Body of Christ.

Building relationships and making things right with God and others with a sincere heart is such an importance aspect of making progress spiritually, rather than remaining the same, carrying the same old emotional baggage, while only developing a different face of religiousity.

What the Lord is actually doing is a total restructuring within the Body of Christ, while showing His people that serving Him is not some sort of selfish bargaining chip relationship with God. It is growing into an intimate love relationship with Him and being transformed by the power of His Spirit.

Also, we should not be serving Him to just take, take, take, but to give, give, give, give more of ourselves to Him and to also share of our lives so that God can use us to make a remarkable difference in the lives of others.

Those that are basically focused only on themselves need to return to their first love which is a living, loving, intimate relationship with the Lord himself.

Our very existance should be to love, serve and to obey Him with our whole hearts which seems to be largely overlooked by those who have been used "to not changing", seemingly using God to help them out of a jam.

We are not to use Him, but we should present ourselves to Him as a living sacrifice, as vessels of honor and integrity for His own glory. The way to really get free and out of a jam is to spend time with God seeking Him for who He is, loving Him, then to show His love towards others by giving of ourselves. This is one of the best ways for much of the bondage to be broken.

This is part of the law of sowing and reaping. What you do for others, God will do for you. Because what you do and how you act towards others is how you are treating Christ.

God desires to see more fruit in His people which is the very character and nature of God flowing through His people and out to others. Those that are unwilling to change, will sit back and criticize others who are making progress and moving forward in God.

John 15: vs 2, Jesus said, Every branch in me that beareth not fruit, he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. vs. 4, Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.

vs. 5, He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit.; for without me ye can do nothing. .....vs 10, If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments....Study John Chapters 14 & 15. also Matthew 22:37-40

There is no other way to go than all the way forward with Him and off of the lukewarm compromising band-wagon.

It is true that this is a year of favor for the obedient, but it is also a year of disfavor for the disobedient. This depends alot on how one spends their time for God, on how one has plowed, sown, fasted, repented and have hungered for God.

However, God looks on the heart and knows exactly where each of us really are with Him. He also knows how to get us where we need to be when our hearts are willing.

He is a just and merciful God, but also sometimes severe in the way that He deals with His people when they are stubborn and unwilling for change.

It is definitely a time for those who belong to Him to refocus on Him, to seek Him, denying self, by taking up that cross once again and to truly follow Him. This is the way to a life of fulfillment and blessings in Christ.

Then said Jesus, unto His disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me.- Matt. 16:24

We are saved by grace and it is a free gift. But to receive the fulfillment of the promises of God and our inheritance in the Kingdom comes through obedience to Him with the cost being great.

The cost of a willing heart to serve Him, even without the recognition of men. God sees, knows and recognizes you. He is both the promoter and rewarder.

Jesus said, "If you love me, you will keep my commandments." And what are those commandments of Christ? Namely summed up in one, but mention in two. Simply, to totally love God and to love one another. Because when we really love God, we will love one another according to what Christ had to say. Also when we really love each other, then we are also proving that we love God. And when we don't then we aren't loving God. Plain and simple.

In John 13:34, Jesus said, A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. 35, By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another .........14: vs. 15 If ye love me, keep my commandments . also vs. 23-24. ~ references are KJV

Be blessed with todays message by Dutch Sheets and if you have any further insight that you would like to share with us , please do feel free to send in your comments also. Many blessings in Christ, L.D. Oxford



My pastor then passed this e-mail on to all of us last night, as we met for intercession and I wanted to share with you! (that is if you've not yet read this)



These words are from the Starting The Year Right Conference with Chuck Pierce in Texas. They were sent to me by Sharon Webster to send on to our leaders. She is our Regional Leader from the Central Coast.


See below:


~Dutch Sheets


Ministries will restructure, as will Churches, Businesses, Individuals, and Families ~By Dutch Sheets

Ministries will restructure, churches will restructure, businesses will restructure, individuals will restructure, and families will restructure.

This will be a year of the greatest change the Church has experienced in our generation. While preparing to minister in Dallas on January 5, I heard the Holy Spirit very clearly say, "Tell them. . . "I quickly grabbed a pen and wrote the following as it was given to me:

1. Tell them, "The greatest shift into the Apostolic Age comes this year. -For this year, they will begin to see the abundance of fruit come forth." The Church will begin to eat the fruit of a movement!"Everything up to this point in time has been primarily the restoration of the apostolic and the prophetic--a preparation for what I am about to do."

-The fruit of God establishing the fullness of His ministry giftings and His government in the earth is going to allow Him to release unprecedented power, authority, favor, revelation, judgments, and righteousness.

2. Tell them, "Opposition to the apostolic and prophetic will also be the greatest this year."-He is going to expose wineskins (new or old) and religious spirits, taking off the masks of those who oppose His move.

Those who refuse to move in current truth will begin to openly criticize leaders in the Body of Christ that are moving in the flow of the apostolic and the prophetic. Some have been doing so in a very subtle way, but this year, it will become obvious.

When they do, God is going to begin to judge them. God said, “I am bringing a sword this year”!-Don’t be afraid of criticism---don’t be intimidated---go forward---all the way! Don’t worry about the opposition; in your family, with elders, etc. people are coming out of hiding.

You are going to know who your friends are this year.-You must learn who you can go to lunch with and who you can go to war with.

3. Tell them, "I must bring further changing of paradigms, not just to those who have not been moving in the flow of My Spirit, but even to those who are in the flow of My Spirit."

-Higher level of Kingdom thinking will come to the Church.-I heard Him say, "Restructure, Restructure, Restructure."

-Ministries will restructure, churches will restructure, businesses will restructure, individuals will restructure (the way they do things, their time, the way they think, and the way they operate), and families will restructure.

-Teaching on the kingdom of God will bring about great changes of paradigms, taking us back to the original mandate of Genesis. You will hear it taught over and over again this year. Kingdom theology is going to be at the forefront.

4. Tell them, "I am waiting for those who will fulfill My mission statement." (Luke 4:18-19; Isaiah 61) -Preach the gospel to the poor-Proclaim release to the captives [radical anointings of deliverance are about to be released It will actually be violent at times, and people will be radically delivered in a moment].

-Recovery of sight to the blind [miracles, extraordinary miracles – not just physical but spiritual eyes opened]-Set free the downtrodden [oppression is going to be broken off the Church].

-Proclaim the favorable year of the Lord [Jubilee—a year of amazing restoration] Powerful season of Jubilee if we will make His Mission Statement our mission statement.

-The favorable year of the Lord refers to Jubilee. Captives go free, and inheritances are restored.

5. Tell them, "This is a year of favor--and disfavor." -What you have prayed for, plowed for, sown into, longed for, cried out for, what you have seen but not been able to taste, what you have fasted for, and wept over--this is the year of favor.

His favor will be seen on your family, business, finances, and body.This is a year that He will no longer allow people to ride the fence. He will draw a line in the sand and make them decide who they are and what they stand for.

-The political games in the Church will be judged. For those who refuse to flow with current revelation and resist it, you will see them come into disfavor. Some ministries and churches will lose their favor this year.

Others will be raised up and given more influence.- It is a year of dismantling that which is built that is not bringing Him glory and a year of great building for others. The landscape of the Church will change this year.

6. Tell them, "I am looking this year for those who will be more heavenly minded than earthly minded."-He is looking for those who will set their affections on things above, on His kingdom, and what He wants.

For those who will do this, He will give them insights from heaven. This will allow them to bring heaven to earth, instead of simply praying, "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." He will give them authority and understanding on how to bring heaven to earth.

The Lord said, I want to get heaven to earth--not you to heaven—move into God’s way of thinking. -Also, for those who do this, He will cause them to see things from a heavenly perspective. Problems, challenges, vision, difficulties in their families, financial needs--all of these will begin to be seen from His perspective.

-Things are in order in heaven; He wants to teach us how to get heaven’s order to earth! It’s time to rearrange your priorities again!

7. Tell them, "I am looking for those who will believe in My power. Miracles are there for the taking." -Miracles are here for the taking! More will take place outside the church building than inside.

Power gifts are ready to be given.God said, our thoughts are holding us back, He wants to restructure our thinking in this area—read the scriptures, What did I do (Jesus) Chuck Pierce prophesied that we will see a move of God this year in which signs and wonders will break out on university campuses.

Yale and the University of Texas were mentioned specifically, but the word was not limited to them. The power of God is about to invade the universities of America. Baptism to the youth of the supernatural!-

Baptism of the supernatural is coming, immerse us in the anointing for the miraculous. He wants to bring us back to the original intent—back into His Mission—a miraculous demonstration.

8. "Tell My leaders to pray more and work less." -The sense I had was that if they will pray more, they can work less. Everything will get done!

9. Tell them, "This is the most important year yet for right alignment." -This year, if we are not in proper alignment with leaders, properly connected to those we need to be walking with, and properly covered by those in positions of authority, it will begin to cost us fruitfulness and health, resulting in destruction in other ways, loss of revelation, and destiny.

The setbacks will begin for those who are not properly aligned—you will become completely ineffective for Him.

10. Tell them, "This is the most important year yet for the right timing”-Opportunities will come and go quickly. The timing of endeavors will be critical. Being at the right place at the right time will be essential.

Don’t hesitate, or move to slow—when God says move, move!

11. Tell them, "The great transfer of wealth begins Now”!

12. Tell them, "The river of God is coming but not as they have known it before." -This river is: advancement, deeper, stronger, and very, very different than before, not renewal! It will be deeper and will bring about great power and great harvest.

13. Tell them, "This is a year of unique assignments."-You will be sent to do things you have never done before. You will be sent with decrees, on missions that will be very unique.

14. Tell them, "This is a year in which I will release an abundance of creativity."-Business-Technology-Inventions-Songs, ideas, and strategies -I heard Him say, "The secrets of heaven are coming to earth." Some of it will be so revelatory that even creative ideas on how to transform whole regions of the world will be released.

15. Tell them, "I am going to wreak havoc in the U.S. government." -Corruption will be exposed. The wrong motives will be exposed.

Judgment is coming to this nation with great intensity and God is going to show who is on His side. Some people will be removed from office and some will die.

-Prayer Movement: Governmental authority will be released to the prayer movement! Do not be afraid to decree the judgments of the Lord, God will reveal when to speak mercy and when to declare judgment

16. Tell them, "This is the year that the lid comes off of the youth movement." -The Lord made that statement as I saw a picture of a giant pressure cooker, shaking and ready to explode.

Suddenly, the lid blew off, and the contents flew everywhere.-The shift this year will be monumental. Shift with Him, and see your greatest year ever.

"Do not call to mind the former things, or ponder things of the past. Behold, I will do something new, now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert." --Isaiah 43:18-19

Let's shift with Him!

By Dutch Sheets

Dutch Sheets Ministries



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