Mar 1, 2011


Joshua Apostolic Prophetic Network

Home Central:

"The Emperor Has No Clothes"

Dear Joshua Family Subscribers:

Today, I would like to share with you a prophetic parable on the condition of the church today, which was given to the late Jill Austin in an open vision. Although, the setting of this parable was in a charming 18th century village in Victorian England, when I read this, it reminded me so much of what has taken place in some of our own towns and cities across modern America, especially over the past decade, with outpouring events, and their aftermath, which is not something for the corporate church to be bragging about, or to become prideful in, believe me!

As you read through the parable, note, the Red Dragon that moves in with the strange fire, and the poisonous sulfur that erupts from it's mouth in this prophetic vision. This is a warning for the spiritually blinded modern church friends! The Emperor and his counselors in this prophetic parable had turned deaf ears to the Watchmen, and ignored their call for repentance and prayer, due to their spiritual blindness and pride. After all, they were known for the outpouring of the Spirit!

Then, as you will see in this parable, a deeper infiltration of deception came to them. Does this ring a bell in your heart, of anything that you have been seeing? It sure does to me, from all that I have seen and witnessed over the past decade, and especially over the past few years. Then, there was another part of this prophetic parable that really stood out to me, as I pondered this vision. The Emperor in the story was guilty of compromise and control; and the counselors were guilty of flatteries and lies. And note, that the people in the vision were guilty of idolizing a man or a movement. This is really scary stuff folks, and the church, especially the corporate charismatic church, really needs to wake up and to get those blinders off.

The people in this vision had become loyal to a false kingdom, rather than the genuine Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. The child in this prophetic parable was at first, the only one who could see that the Emperor was not wearing any clothes, until the hearts were circumcised, and eyes of the crowd were opened spiritually to see. They had all been blind due to their pride and idolatry of the Emperor. And, so it is today!

Read and ponder this entire vision for your yourself, prayerfully. I did, and I'm going to go back, and to reflect over this parable once more again tonight. I could go on and on with you here, but it would be better for you to just read the whole vision prayerfully for yourself. I believe that the Spirit of the Lord will speak many different things to different people's hearts with this. So, open your hearts to hear the voice of the Lord, in what He would desire to say to you. I'm sure He will speak volumes to you, if you are sensitive to hear His voice. The Emperor is not wearing any clothes, friends! :)

We would love to hear any prophetic insight, on what the Lord speaks to your heart through this. So, feel free to share with us in the comments area here on the blog. Be blessed! - L.D. Oxford


As global warfare is accelerating and radical terrorism invades our cities and nations, the watchmen of the Lord are sounding the shofar as an urgent call to prayer and fasting. As part of this call, the Lord is summoning His people to cry out for the seven-fold Spirit of the Living God. In this hour, we so need wisdom and discernment in order to receive strategic end-time battle plans from the throne room.

The Seven-Fold Spirit "The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him— the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD - and he will delight in the fear of the LORD." Isaiah 11:2-3

Keep this verse close to your heart as you read the vision below and apply it to your own church, city, and nation.


The Emperor Has No Clothes

by the late Jill Austin


A Prophetic Vision and Word

I would like to share with you an open vision the Lord gave me, which is a prophetic parable of the state of the church today. The setting is that of a charming 18th century village in Victorian England.

In the vision, I saw that the village had experienced a powerful outpouring of the Spirit, but the fire had been slowly and ever-so-subtly allowed to flicker out, opening the way for religious spirits of witchcraft and manipulation to move in and destroy its destiny.

I watched in horror as an enormous red dragon moved through the village, undetected, as strange fire and poisonous sulfur erupted from her gaping mouth. Her leathery scales rub abrasively, tearing and bruising all those who came in contact with her.

Pregnant with vile offspring, she laid her gruesome eggs of manipulation, self-promotion, and politics throughout the village. As I continued to watch, dark fiendish figures burst forth from her eggs, seeping into every residence open to her deception and flattery.

Their victim’s eyes became dim and their tongues forked as they took on the characteristics of their unseen enemy. A veil of darkness covered the hearts and minds of many in the small community.

A Prophetic Warning!

Standing their watch on the ancient walls, prophetic intercessors recognized the raging dragon and her children and sounded their trumpets in alarm. “Strange fire is being released into our midst. The fire of Holy Spirit is being put out!” The Emperor and his counselors turned deaf ears to the Watchmen and ignored their call for repentance and prayer.

Guarding their stance, they retorted, “After all, our village has been known for the outpouring of the Spirit.” To reinforce the faith of the people, they decreed a festive celebration to take place the following month. The whole village eagerly prepared for the extravaganza.

Allowed to continue her work, the dragon and her offspring infiltrated even further, cloaking their deeds behind the busy activities taking place and spewing forth even more of their evil venom.

The Grand Procession!

The next scene materialized as the day arrived. Look! The Emperor and his counselors pompously marched down the middle of town with dancers, musicians, and singers following. Cheering crowds gathered. The loud speakers announced how beautifully the Emperor was dressed and how the anointing sparkled like dazzling diamonds. The people looked on with awe and reverence.

As the procession moved through the throngs, the Emperor’s counselors drew near to whisper their sage advice, “The anointing is growing like never before. Look how popular you are!! The peasants love you.”

“Oh yes,” another whispered, “They do love you. Have you noticed how the treasury has increased? And look how the people are dancing in the streets to the new wine and music. After all, we have the most anointed musicians and dancers in the nation.”

“You, O’ Emperor, are covered in a glorious mantle --- the likes of which others only dream of! Surely we are at the beginning of great things.”

Child-like Faith

In the distant crowd, a child’s voice could be heard above the din, “Mommy! Daddy! The Emperor has no clothes on. He’s naked!”

Moving quickly, the counselors barked out orders, “Silence that child!”

But the child would not be silenced, “Can’t you see Mommy? Can’t anyone see it?”

The truth spoken with child-like faith resulted in gleaming angelic swords being drawn, readied for battle. The watchmen had been crying out day and night for reinforcements. Quickly, angelic hosts circumcised hearts and opened the eyes of the crowd bowing low to the Emperor.

They gasped, “He’s naked! The Emperor is naked! Where’s the anointing? I thought the mantle of God’s government was upon him?! What happened?”

The Emperor's ears were finally opened to hear in the Spirit the sounds of war, as swords clashed and the hosts of Heaven waged war against the dragon and her children. Spinning around to face his advisors, the Emperor charged them, “You lied to me! Why is it that I hear the truth from a child -- instead of you?”

Do Not Remove Your Spirit From Me

Hot tears fell from the eyes of the Father that melted the Emperor’s heart and opened his spiritual eyes. “I have no covering. The anointing has left. I am naked!”

Looking over the crowd lining the narrow, winding streets, he began to make out the horde of dark spirits invading his village. The once powerful and anointed man fell helplessly onto his face, “I’m a dead man; the village is destroyed. Oh God, what have I done? How did I become so blind? Do not remove your Spirit from me. I can’t live without You.”

Fear and panic hit the crowd as the dragon became visible for all to see. They scattered in all directions, searching for a safe place to hide. Some died in this dark, barren place, once called the “City of the Lord.”

Sword of Repentance

Above City Hall stood a huge angel who exclaimed, “When we brought the Ark of the Lord and His Presence to this village, we also brought the First Sword. It passed over your hearts to bring repentance and reawaken First Love. His consuming fire came to break off all that hindered love and you were glad and rejoiced.”

Sword of Judgment

“Now a Second Sword is passing over the village, a Sword of Judgment. The Word tested those of you who received the heaviest and most beautiful prophetic words. Many of your hearts were revealed in pride and self-promotion, which opened the doorway for strange fire to fall on the altars of your hearts.”

I watched as the Angel passed the Second Sword over the people. Those who fell on their faces in humility and repentance before the Living God were not touched. Those who stood tall in pride and opposition to God unknowingly called forth the dragon and brought devastation to themselves and their children.

Finally, the Angel declared, “This village was called not only to be His servant, but also His bride; to become a prophetic womb, impregnated by His Spirit, to bring forth His Manifest Presence to the nations of the earth.”

“There’s always a contesting and heavy spiritual warfare where the dragon rages to abort the things of the Spirit realm in the earth. Birthing is bloody, but also a tremendous privilege. There’s a “Price Behind the Anointing.”

Behind Closed Doors

Confusion increased as the war raged and secret meetings behind closed doors continued. Fighting and jealousy over positions began to blind and deceive once valiant warriors. The dragon planted her malevolent eggs of pride and elitism in the minds of the rebellious. They’d go off like grenades in explosions of anger and rage.

The Bridegroom sadly watched as the fire went out on His altar and His precious Spirit was delegated to the back room. The angels bowed down as He wept over the city and the Father declared, “The fragrance of My Son has left.”

Meanwhile, the counselors were busy trying to defend their position and rationalize away the fears of the Emperor, while the dragon destroyed more lives and ministries. Disease and death spread throughout the ravished city as the dragon moved in for the ultimate kill. People became numb to their pain and slowly … ever-so-slowly … they moved into denial. Hot tears flowed from the Emperor’s eyes onto the blood-soaked battlefield.

Watchmen Beware!

The dragon sent out a death warrant for each of the watchmen. If his henchmen could not take their lives, they silenced their voices and gorged out their ‘seeing’ eyes. The seers left, one by one. Many slipped away silently into the dark of the night, desperately asking God where to go next. But due to the devastation, there were no city gates open to them and they were left hiding in the wilderness. Those left behind watched as yet another one was driven away. One by one, the ax fell and heads rolled.

False Reports and Fear of Man

The loud speakers broadcasted false reports of how the seers were being sent to a new work in another state or nation. Everything was covered with flattery and deception. It seemed that broken hearts and torn covenants all that was left.

Fear of the tremendous power of the Emperor and his counselors to destroy their future ministries had silenced those remaining. No one talked, control and order was the rule of the day and barrenness was the high price they paid for respectability.

Helplessly, I looked on as this terrible war in the spirit continued. Many of the people were not even aware that it was destroying their city. The altar of their hearts became colder and colder as the Presence of God lifted.

Finally, Holy Spirit was pushed out of the sanctuary and the dragon and her children spread like a deadly plague. The heavens were angry and grieved as the war continued to wage and disease and death took their premature toll on the Bride.

Beloved, only the consuming fire of God can ignite passion and hunger in us for Jesus so we can wage war effectively. Without the Spirit, how can we hope to hear the Commander and Chief give us His strategies for the war over each of our communities and cities?

Loyal to a Movement or to God

So who is wrong? The Emperor? The counselors? The people? All of the above! The Emperor was guilty of compromise and control; the counselors were guilty of flattery and lies; and the people were guilty of idolizing a man or a movement. They became loyal to a false kingdom, rather than the Kingdom of the Lord of Lords and the Kings of Kings.

Some of the seers were guilty of stirring the prophetic “wars” and became power-hungry to get the Emperor’s favor to drive out other seers so they could gain control of the hearts of the leaders and the people.

Respectability Versus Anointing!

Has the fire gone out on the altar of your heart? Do you have the revelation and strategies of warfare to oust the dragon and her children from your midst? Are you flattering the ears of the Emperor to win position and favor? Are you on your face in repentance and humility before the Second Sword passes over your city?

Has God brought the prophets in for a season to test your heart? Are you willing to let your city be the womb of the Spirit to birth forth the prophetic and apostolic to the world? Or, will your altar grow colder and colder? Do you value respectability or the anointing?

Spread the Word, The Master Potter Team

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