Apr 7, 2011


Joshua Apostolic Prophetic Network

Home Central: www.joshua-ap.net/

Iranian Regime's Video Says, Their Islamic Messiah (The Mahdi) Is About To Appear.

Dear Joshua Family Subscribers:

Today, I wanted to share with you some of the latest developments in the Middle East along with a link to a video, which I believe every Christian and Jewish person needs to see. The propaganda soon to be released by the Iranian regime, depicts the current revolutions and chaos taking place in the Middle East and Northern Africa as positive evidence that, their messiah, (the Mahdi) who will be their Twelfth Imam, is right on the verge of appearing on the world scene.

This is the one, who supposedly would lead Islam and it's armies in the end-time to defeat Israel, America, and other non-Muslim countries, and to bring peace (with the sword), to the rest of the world under the domination of Islam.

Note: The radical fundamentalist Islamic idea of peace is to conquer and annihilate the Jews, Christians, and all other non-Muslims who will not submit to Islam.

Recently, Erick Stakelbeck, a reporter for CBN, released an article and included video footage, of the Iranian regime's video production on the Middle East and North African revolutions, which claims those chaotic events go right along with certain Islamic Prophecies, and will accelerate the soon return of their Messiah, the Mahdi. To read the recent CBN article and to watch the video footage, Go Here: Video-Says-Mahdi-is-Near

The name of the Iranian regime's video is entitled, The Coming is Near. They also believe that Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadenijad, will overtake Jerusalem before their Mahdi appears on the scene. Although this is obviously a propaganda video to be distributed to all Middle-East Arab countries by the Iranian regime, it strongly indicates that they are currently in a planning-to-strike war mode with the intent of conquering Jerusalem, and to hasten their (Twelfth Imam) Mahdi's soon appearance.

However, the God of Israel is watching over the affairs of His Chosen people and His Promised land, allowing only that which will bring forth the fulfillment of Prophecy for the End times. Israel will likely hit Iran first as a preemptive strike on Iran's nuclear facilities, with her superior defense technology, which is some of the most advanced in the world today.

To read more on Iranian Leaders plans, and to watch the regime's video-full version (translated into English) on Reza Kahlili's website (former member of Iran's Revolutionary Guard), Go Here: Iran Leaders

Watch this most informative video, as Joel Richardson compares the similarities of the Islamic Mahdi to the Anti-Christ on Glenn Beck's Show. This was very informative--Watch here: Islamic Mahdi -on GB

Here is yet, another video of Joel Richardson on Sid Roth's program. A somewhat different view on End time prophecy, Mystery Babylon and the Beast nations. Watch as the mysteries unfold from the books of Daniel and Revelation. Will Islam play a major role during the Great Tribulation? Will the Anti-Christ be a muslim messiah? Watch this amazing, eye-opening video on what may take place in the very near future. Joel Richardson on It's Supernatural .

*Feel free to leave your feedback and comments, here on the weblog.


Joshua Apostolic Prophetic Network

Resources: www.joshua-ap.net/



~ L.D. Oxford

In end time Bible prophecy, there seems to be a clear indication that the countries surrounding Israel will be dealt with first. with the use of weapons of mass destruction. These nations include those common-border arab countries surrounding Israel, which is also close to the same prophetic time-table when Damascus, Syria will be destroyed along with those other surrounding parts of arab countries, that will be left uninhabited. Not long after this, Israel will have expanded, secured her borders, and will live in relative peace and security for a season, before the the actual invasion of Gog and Magog occurs.

Therefore, this is clear enough evidence, that Iran will not succeed in destroying Israel as they claimed they would do recently. They may threaten and make attempts, but their ultimate plans for the annihilation of Israel will somehow backfire, due to the timely protection of the God of Israel.

When The Gog and Magog Invasion finally does take place, there shall be horrific events that will take place in Israel, such as a devastating earthquake, including fire and brimstone falling from the skies upon these enemies of Israel, [Gog and Magog, Persia (Iran), with the other muslim-allied countries.]

They shall be defeated and destroyed on the mountains of Israel and on the open field according to Ezekiel 39. And note, that this War is not the final Battle of Armageddon, but appears to take place some time before the abomination of desolation and Armageddon according to the order of end time events. Notice what happens here in Ezekiel 39:1-6 (read the entire chapter)

“Son of man, prophesy against Gog and say: ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: I am against you, Gog, chief prince of Meshek and Tubal. 2 I will turn you around and drag you along. I will bring you from the far north and send you against the mountains of Israel.

3 Then I will strike your bow from your left hand and make your arrows drop from your right hand. 4 On the mountains of Israel you will fall, you and all your troops and the nations with you. I will give you as food to all kinds of carrion birds and to the wild animals.

5 You will fall in the open field, for I have spoken, declares the Sovereign LORD. 6 I will send fire on Magog and on those who live in safety in the coastlands, and they will know that I am the LORD. - niv

Review: Sequence of the Three Main Wars:

1. First, Psalms 83 War: See Psalms 83: Israel will defeat those arab countries on it's common-borders.

Following videos mention the Prophetic Psalm 83 War [deals with immediate surrounding arab nations who trouble and despise Israel] Also see Isaiah 17 - A prophecy against Damascus.

Videos: Watch "War" parts 1-2 -- Shows Psalms 83 war which will lead up to the War of Gog and Magog

Video: War - Part 1 - Watch here

Video: War - Part 2 - Watch here

2. Gog and Magog Invasion: Read Ezekiel Chapters 38 -39 - Sets the stage for the horrific coming events of the Great tribulation -- with Russia, Iran [Persia], Libya, Ethiopia along with other muslim allied armies defeated on the mountains and on the open fields of Israel. This is not Armageddon at the end of the Great Tribulation. It will take seven months+ to bury the bodies, and seven years to burn the weapons from this war, to be used as fuel.

Note: There will also be other resistant battles between the Gog and Magog War, and those leading up to Armageddon found in the scriptures. Some have tried to prove that the Gog-Magog invasion and the Battle Armageddon, are one in the same. but it is just not true. All that one would need to do is to have a look at the nations involved and the geographical locations for each battle to know that there is a distinct difference.

According to some Bible prophecy scholars, Armageddon will come through a series of stages [a progression] leading up to the final Battle of Armageddon. To read more about those stages, I found one website that lays out more of an explanation, and with scripture references for this. Feel free to go there, to study more on this. On Armageddon

3. The Final Battle - Armageddon - on the plain of Megiddo - other names [the Plain of Esdraelon, Valley of Jezreel] Rev. 16:16 - The gathering of all the armies of the nations near the close of the Great Tribulation, followed by the return and appearing of Jesus Christ with the armies of Heaven, where He destroys all of these world armies. Many millions will die in this final battle.

Then, Rev 19:20 tells us, the Antichrist and the False Prophet will be thrown into the lake of fire.

Rev. 20:1-3, the devil will be thrown into the bottomless pit.

...and then, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings will set up His Millennial Kingdom to rule and reign for a thousand years upon the earth.

The Good News: Because Jesus Christ wins, we win too! - L.D.

*Note: Feel free to leave your feedback and comments on the weblog here.


Joshua Apostolic Prophetic Network

Home Central: www.joshua-ap.net/


Dear Joshua Family Subscribers:

I remembered back a few days before the Japan Earthquake took place, another strange event happened, where millions of fish were found dead that washed into the King Harbor Marina of Redondo Beach coast, in Los Angeles County, California. They were reported to be sardines and anchovies.

Some believed that it could have been either strong winds, or suffocation from lack of oxygen causing the fish to die. And still others had no idea, as to how they got there. There were so many of these fish, that it made it very difficult for the boats to get out, and back into the harbor.

It was only a few days after the dead fish phenomenon, that the devastating Japan Earthquake and Tsunami took place which lead me to wonder, if the fish were somehow disturbed, or driven by some type of underwater volcanic or seismic activity, since California is also on the Pacific Ring of Fire. Seems more likely to fit the scenario of what may have very well caused this.

Yesterday, I received yet, several other urgent prayer alerts from some of our friends in other ministries, asking us to pray and to intercede for the west coast of America. [especially for California and the Northwest coast.] And then, there are others, who have also been concerned about the New Madrid fault line.

It has been reported, that about every 18 months the fault releases a shock of 4.0 or more, which can cause local damage. 5.0 or greater happens about once every 10 years, which can do increased damage, and can be felt in surrounding states.

Late last night, I found a new Prophecy Update written by Perry Stone, which had additional interesting insight, that I would like to share with you here today. I really liked what Perry had to say in his update, and especially what He had to say about David Wilkerson being a true prophet, and about his prophecies from the 1970s still unfolding over the years.

Then, he went on to address self-acclaimed prophets and seers who usually only have about a 50% accuracy rate, which is ridiculously low. Personally, I would not receive a prophetic word from someone unless they had a high and proven track record of prophetic accuracy.

It seems that almost every time there is a disaster, volcanic eruption, earthquake, or hurricane, there are 50-100 different people claiming to be prophets, come out of the woodwork to give their take [usually with conflicting words] on how they prophesied it before it happened [and on how accurate they were], but unfortunately did not make it clear to the public 'until after' the event took place.

Many of those prophecies have proven to be either untrue or to have a very low level of accuracy. The very same thing happened with the Hurricane Katrina Words in August of 2005, that were all over the internet. Only a very few had any high level of accuracy.

But, my stance is this: If it was really God who said it would happen a certain way, then He will do it. And, if He does genuinely tell them something, then He should be the only one receiving the credit, honor, and glory for it anyway.

In our day, there seems to be an excessive amount of pride, showmanship, and selfish ambition in much of today's prophetic movement. What I have found is that the true prophets, are not hitting and missing it most of the time, like what we see today in many of the more popular prophetic ministries of today.

From what I have seen and read over the past decade and have also documented -- There are very few prophecies from some of the more popular ministries that ever do come to actual fulfillment. And from that evidence, I believe that I can safely say, that there are a lot of people in prophetic ministry out there, who are probably not really hearing anything significant from God. Now, don't get me wrong, because there are some out there ... but what I am saying here, is that they are few and far between.

On the other hand, many are usually prophesying peace, prosperity, wealth transference and money, money, money, or either prophetically flattering their favorite friends on-stage, which is a sure sign that something is terribly wrong in a large portion of the prophetic movement.

The problem is, that a lot of people who are in it, just can't see it, and follow some of these ministries blindly into the ditch, which is a very dangerous place to be spiritually, indicating strong signs of delusion. But, there are some, who are truly hungry and seeking after the heart of God, who are beginning to see this though, and it doesn't make them more popular when they do! Yet, they are only a remnant of God's people.

If you have any of David Wilkerson's books, I would strongly suggest that you go back and read some of them, as his prophecies from the 70s continue to unfold. You can also find some of his writings and prophecies online. Just Google it! Note, that Wilkersons writings are not well-received by many of today's Emergent and Post-modern ministries, as they are for the most part, not considered relevant in today's more seeker-friendly environments.

Also, if you are interested in learning more on Bible Prophecy and Endtime events, check out Perry Stones website, his teachings, and prophecy updates. You can also find more of his messages in the media section of his website, and with more of his videos on YouTube. He studies the scriptures from a Hebraic perspective, and you can learn a lot from him, as he really does his research!

Enjoy his latest Prophecy Update below. It's a rather short one this month, but still very good! Please make sure to leave your comments here on the weblog, and have an awesome day in the Lord! - L.D. Oxford


The Strange Signs of the Dead Fish

~ Perry Stone

Resources: http://www.voe.org/

Several days ago, while watching Fox News, I saw an odd sight being reported from California. There were millions of small dead fish that had washed ashore in a marina just south of Los Angeles on March 7th. Experts said the fish may have died from a lack of oxygen due to algae, as there appeared to be no toxins in the water to cause the large number of deaths.

Prior to the earthquake in Japan, a fish called the oarfish, which has a long body and almost resembles a snake, suddenly began to wash ashore in Japan. Fisherman in Japan also began to catch it in their fishing nets. According to traditional Japanese lore, the fish rise to the surface and beach themselves to warn of an impending earthquake.

There are also scientific theories that bottom-dwelling fish may be susceptible to magnetic movements in seismic fault lines, and act in uncharacteristic ways in advance of an earthquake. In ancient times Japanese people believed that fish, particularly catfish, warned of coming earthquakes.

The old timers in America had many legends and traditions, and could monitor the activity of animals and nature to predict famines, long cold winters, or droughts in the summer. When the mountain men saw the squirrels finding their food early and over long periods of time, they knew the winter world be long and harsh.

They also noted that dogs will howl or bark moments before an earthquake, and animals will move away from water prior to a tsunami, as the elephants did in Sri Lanka prior to the tsunami.

One man (I didn’t get his name) on a major news channel has been tracking the strange events in nature over the years – such as dead fish appearing on the water. He said that he believes this has been an indicator of a major plate in the ocean or a fault line getting ready to give way. Many would mock his theory, but I believe God has set warnings in nature to let us know prior to the occurrence of tragic events.

Recently there has been a major quake in Chili, New Zealand, and now Japan. These regions are part of the famous “ring of fire” along the Pacific Rim, where the majority of the world’s volcanoes exist. If the pattern continues, the next major quake could happen in the United States, perhaps the West Coast or the area of the New Madrid fault line. I believe it is time to pray!

I was sharing with the people at the prophetic summit that, in the book he wrote in the 1970s, David Wilkerson saw a vision of a major quake coming to America. He wrote that he felt it would follow an earthquake in Japan. I have always believed that David Wilkerson is a true prophet from the Lord. He saw events in the 1970s that have continually happened and are still occurring – including conflict with the labor unions.

I do not pay attention to self-acclaimed prophets who give out words and miss their predictions half the time. My dad always said, “The REAL Holy Ghost never misses it, and if God didn’t say it, keep your mouth shut!”

However, I will pay attention to those who fast, pray and live right, but not those self-anointed seers who spend their free time getting drunk and then claiming they heard from God, when things they speak seldom happen. Even a psychic can hit it 50% of the time, and any man who misses it 50% of the time is no more anointed that a secular psychic.

Wilkerson is a true prophet of God. Pay attention and prepare. Most of all, pray about what is currently happening and what is on the horizon for America and the rest of the world. Despite the many negative events, I am not afraid because I know how the story ends! - Perry Stone

To read more of Perry Stone's Prophecy Updates, or to sign up for his newsletter visit his website here.
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