Joshua Apostolic Prophetic Network
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Dear Joshua Family Subscribers and friends:
Today, i am including two important messages with prophetic insights for you, which i believe will be of great encouragement to a number of you out there.
Theresa (Tess) Phillips wrote an awesome article on "BEWARE OF THE POLITICAL YEAR" and sent it in over last weekend for review. When i read and pondered this, it reminded me so much, of what i have seen and experienced myself, in regards to the atmosphere in various situations in the past, and it really shed some fresh light on the topic. Great article Tess!
Then, the second article here today was written by Ching Co, from the Philippines, whom i have received various messages from since 2002, on "A VISION OF A MAN IN A RACE CAR." I know that when you read it, it will not only encourage you, but will also resound in your spirit man, as it did with me. It relates to the Holy Spirit, as the driver of the car in the vision. Simply awesome!
Also, i wanted you to know that i have placed a slideshow on the Extended Network site with our photos from "The Call" gathering, along with two new videos, and will be posting additional messages on the blog, as well.
And, please don't forget to read our updates that are written below each of the Joshua AP Network Messages that are sent out. Just scroll down a little further, and you will see them there, after you read todays messages.
Have an awesome day friends, and let me hear from more of you, who haven't written in for a while, when you get the chance. Blessings, L.D. Oxford
~ By Theresa Phillips
Resources: ChicagoPropheticVoice.Net
Several months ago a minister friend told me,"We are entering a Political year, and the Politics for position are going to heat up." Whew, did I receive this word, but it was with an "ouch" in my spirit.
Recently, while attending a conference, I was suddenly overcome by the Lord with a powerful unction to leave the conference, go back to my hotel room and pray! Now mind you, I RARELY leave a meeting, and I am seldom ever late! I even resist leaving when nature calls. I was raised with the understanding that you don’t walk out on God.
My secretary attended the conference with me. I quickly told her, "In 10 minutes we are to leave this building, go back to the hotel, and pray." Without a question, she agreed. She knows from experience what I am like when God is moving me to act fast, and I was blessed by her quick response. So we went back to the hotel.
As we prayed, God began to download heavenly things to me from the atmosphere above us. I saw a large curtain, rolled up in metal cuffs. Then I saw two blades, but only one handle.
I asked the Lord what this was, and He told me that one was the blade of a small dagger and the other one was the Sword of the Spirit. I was still seeing the cloth above my head at this time, and it was rolled up and full of color. The cloth was being held in place by 9 cuffs of iron.
The Lord then asked me, "Is it enough to have the dagger to poke holes in the fabric and get a trickle of Glory? Or is it wiser to swing the sword of the Spirit and cut the cuffs or shackles off the fabric?"
Inside the fabric were the gifts God IS willing to pass out in this present day. They are the supernatural manifestations of His essence, His tangible Presence.
1. A lack of unity, and
2. A power struggle to be "number one." Political struggle...
Upon learning this, I was so shocked that I wept and immediately phoned one of my mentors.
Then, God let me know that my life had taken a different turn. The Holy Spirit was leading me to make a change in my walk. He was calling met to obey Him, no matter what, regardless of the cost.
My heart was being challenged. Who was I willing to obey? The voices of men, or the will of my Father in Heaven? Was I discerning His voice, or was this idea coming from me? Was it possible for me to try to pass this off as something I heard someone else say?
While lying on the bed at the hotel, I began to weep inside because I knew I was going to receive another challenging word from the Lord. I was right. It came later.
My mentor, who was staying in the same hotel, came to my room. I shared this word from the Lord with her. Deep down in my heart, I felt like asking, "Can we make a difference?" I also felt my soul begin to plead with the Lord to take control and change me.
While we were still talking about it, I already knew the solution. It was going to take corporate unity to break off the shackles. These shackles were represented by the iron cuffs that were holding back the curtain containing glorious gifts from Abba, Father.
I knew that the meeting I was in was not to be the place these gifts would manifest. It grieves the Lord to see anyone force a move of God. I learned a long time ago that just because you get a word from the Lord does not necessarily mean it’s the right time to share it with others! I was certain this word would have to be released only according to HIS perfect will, time and place.
I left the hotel room with my mentor and attended the rest of the conference. I was relieved, yet I was not...
I was soon back in the realm again of the Spirit and God reminded me of the night in 2004 that President Bush won the election, and then his election was contested.
I am NOT saying that the meeting I was in had that spirit, but I sensed the same type of atmospheric presence making me aware of the spiritual struggles of power that are over many ministries today.
I could feel the power struggle as if it were tangable.
I was grateful the Spirit of the Lord gave me a scripture then ad there. We do wage war, not against flesh, but against principalities in the AIR.
Ephesians 6:12 (Amplified Bible) For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the despotisms, against the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere.
I was really feeling the same atmosphere I did the night of the presidential election in 2004. Then I remembered the minister who recently spoke to me about this coming year being a political year.
I decided then and there that I wanted to make the name of Jesus famous rather than my own name.
I have begged the Lord tell me the secret to unlocking the supernatural manifestations over all of us and not for just a select few. I am fully aware some people will carry the Glory in a much more prominent atmosphere than others. But can’t we all have access to it?
The Lord then clearly spoke to me and said, "Yes, it is my Good Pleasure to give it to you ALL."
Ephesians 1:8-10 (New International Version) ...that he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding. And he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times will have reached their fulfillment—to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, even Christ.
Luke 12:32 (Amplified Bible) Do not be seized with alarm and struck with fear, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom!
This spoke volumes to me and I received it personally, for our ministry is not large. Then I began to realize that little flocks need not to be fearful…for it IS HIS desire for us all to have the Kingdom …HIS Kingdom.
BUT it is HIS KINGDOM, NOT OURS. This is why God was giving me awareness of the political atmosphere.
Was I foolish to think I could carry a part of the Glory?
Was I wanted in that realm?
Did I make a mistake wanting to be With HIM on such a level being so small a ministry was it ego? Was it jealousy, was it??
And yet I was being abandoned for the very thing GOD was doing in our midst ..
I was getting emails I was getting phone calls letters etc questioning me as if i were unable to do what GOD was telling me to do. What was it?
Then I know it was political warfare and I knew He voted for me.
I can imagine many may ask, "How does this apply?" The answer is simple. Who can declare the works of the Lord Majestic Power, and Glory?
Psalm 73:28 (King James Version) But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord God, that I may declare all thy works.
Revelation 21:11 (New International Version) It shone with the glory of God, and its brilliance
was like that of a very precious jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal.
Ezekiel 1:1-3 (Amplified Bible) NOW [when I was] in [my] thirtieth year, in the fourth month, in the fifth day of the month, as I was in the midst of captivity beside the river Chebar [in Babylonia ], the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God.
Genesis 28:12 (King James Version) And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.
Revelation 4:1 (Amplified Bible) AFTER THIS I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven! And the first voice which I had heard addressing me like [the calling of] a war trumpet said, Come up here, and I will show you what must take place in the future.
As I was carrying this word in me, I knew it would take considerable wisdom to handle this, for offenses are so great. That is a key to the worlds political arena of winning.
It is the offences of man (Who is really offended you to THEM) that keep people from these two things:
l. Advancing in their own walk,
2. Advancing, HIS Magnificent Kingdom
We see into the political arena, that it is all about who appears to be best qualified, and who can "out do" everyone else. Much of this becomes essential for a prime candidate to carry the office one desires to carry.
But how sure is the victory, and how much will the people believe when the office is won with the wrong motives? Is the motive jealousy? Is it a noble motive? Is it a true calling, ignited with passion? To be at the top can be a noble desire, but is it essential to climb to the top?
...with other ministries as to whom is the greatest or the most important. The horn is blowing because an enemy has invaded the camp. DON"T get fooled by the politics of the day. Remember we all can fall prey to this. The great warning is NOT to let ourselves become consumed with what others are doing.
It is GOD who calls us all to swing the Sword of the Spirit. It is far better to be in UNITY than separated. Through unity we can break those shackles together. All can advance the kingdom, all can carry their load, and all can achieve the dreams God has for them.
The key is to return to our first Love and establish that He is Lord. Then corporately we can choose the Love of GOD over the love of self. This will enable us to see the Greater Glory that is up ahead.
"Little is much with GOD in it."
Luke16:10a (New International Version) Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much...
"Who is the least will be the greatest."
Luke 9:48b ...for he that is least among you all, the same shall be great.
"Better is one day in His courts that 1000 elsewhere."
Psalm 84:10 Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.
"Who then can declare the works of GOD? We all can! Let's take back the world by faith, together!"
~ Theresa Phillips
~ By Ching Ten L. Co
Cebu City, Philippines
Since the start of this year, a vision keeps coming back to me. I keep seeing a vision of a man sitting inside a race car, wearing a helmet and racing outfit, as He waits at the starting line of a race track.
I can clearly hear the sound of His car engine running, shifting into higher gear as the Driver is ready to start the race. I believe this vision has spiritual significance for the time we are in.
As I have continued to watch and listen to what God impressed upon me, below is the message I received. I pray it will bring encouragement to you as it has to me.
The Driver is the Holy Spirit, and as He set to go at the starting line, this represents the coming move of God. Our Heavenly Father has shifted to a higher gear, and He is inviting His people to join Him in this ride. This move will be both exhilarating and intimidating.
To those who totally trust God and His leading--this ride will be the greatest joyride of your lifetime. God is telling us, "It's time to move forward."
God is looking for people whose hearts and motives are pure and who do not hide their weaknesses from God. These are people who, when convicted of their shortcomings, are quick to let God deal with their hearts in complete surrender to Him.
Just like when God chose David, He said to Samuel, "The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart" (1 Samuel 16:7).
Therefore our present success will not be His basis for choosing us; it will be the condition of our hearts which will matter to Him. David failed greatly when he committed adultery with Bathsheba and plotted the death of Uriah (2 Samuel 11).
Yet despite David's shortcomings, God continued to use him greatly, and he was fondly remembered as "a man after God's own heart."
Presently there is a big group of God's children who, in the past, experienced the mighty moving of God in your life and ministry. But due to various circumstances, some of you had to give up works or ministry, and may now find yourself seemingly bereft of any success.
Despite the difficulties you had to face, the sacrifices you had to endure, the seemingly barrenness of your life right now, quietly, you continue to worship and honor God as best you know how.
Yet you cannot deny there is a greater longing in your heart to do more for God's people, to do more for His Kingdom, and to implement all the ideas and plans God has planted inside of you to do. The dreams and visions God placed in the innermost parts of your heart for so long seem to be unattainable.
God had you in His mind! If you can identify with this group, the great news is that God had you specifically in mind and will call you to be on the forefront when His Holy Spirit makes the move. As you have been faithful to God, holding nothing back in the process, laying down everything at His feet, it's now His time to respond.
He has not forgotten His promises and His calling for you and your family, and you will see Him opening doors and opportunities which you thought were closed or lost.
We are coming into a time of connection just like Zechariah and Elizabeth, and Joseph and Mary were intertwined with each other (read Luke 1).
These were two different couples at various age levels, facing different challenges, yet both families' lives were intertwined with each other and linked by God for each other's comfort, confirmation, and for a common cause. So will it be in the coming days.
God will use the wisdom, skill and experience of those from the older generations, and He will link them with the new ideas and innovative ways of the younger generations. The experience and expertise of each will "complement," not compete, and they will blend perfectly to fulfill God's Kingdom for the nations.
What Peter had spoken to the crowd about during Pentecost will once more be manifested in our midst. This is both to the older and younger generations:
"This is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: 'In the last days, God says, I will pour out My Spirit on all people, your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on My servants, both men and women, I will pour out My Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy'" (Acts 2:16-18).
• The people of God will ride this wave and will once more impact the community where they have been planted by God.
• Holistic endeavors connected with education, skills training, community development, poverty alleviation, indigenous inventions, environmental protection and many other projects that the community will need, will once again be spearheaded and pioneered by God's children who will have an important role in these projects.
• God is releasing a marketplace anointing where your skills, talents, hobbies and spiritual gifting will be used extensively by God to impact the people that you are and will be working with in the coming days.
• Ministry, business and job opportunity, which you had given up on before and thought had been lost, will once more be brought back into your path by God Himself. He will network you with people whom He has chosen to work beside you for these projects.
• Just like in Jesus' time, God's work will start off "small," and may not seem significant in the beginning. But as you continue to press in and faithfully do what has been assigned to you, the impact and effect of these works will catch the attention of the secular world.
• You will experience our God going before you and preparing the way. You will hear Him clearly guiding you as He says, "This is the way, walk in it."
Our Father, we thank You for quickening our hearts once more with this message. We await this day with great expectation. Come Holy Spirit, even today, prepare us for the work that You have chosen for each one of us to do.
Just like David cried out to You with these words: "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting" (Psalm 139:23-24), so we cry out to You in the same manner today.
As a watchman waits for the dawn, so we also wait and long for You. Move as You have in the days of old. Summon Your power, and show us Your strength as You have done before.
Be exalted once more in the midst of the nations. Raise up the standard of Your people. Pour out Your favor upon us so that people around us will know that Your Presence is with us, and they will be able to distinguish Your children from the people of the world.
Thank You for revealing Your plans and Your heart to us for the coming days. We wait for them with great expectation and with thanksgiving in our hearts.
Unto You and You alone, be all glory and power and might for all that You have done, are doing and will do in our lives. In Jesus Christ's name, we say, "Amen!"
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Feb 13, 2008
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Joshua Apostolic Prophetic Network
Home Central
Dear Joshua family subscribers and friends:
Today, i am sending out to you some great prophetic insight that just came in from the ministry of Matt Sorger. Last year, we posted the "2007 Word" that Matt sent out, and i have included a link here in his article for easy access, so that you may go back and review it again.
God is most definitely bringing a love-test upon the Body of Christ this year, and each one will be tested, as a challenge to grow in love and to become more Christ-like in our lives.
We must be willing to lay down our lives for Him, (and for the brethren as He tells us in His Word to do), if we are going to make a real difference, and to leave a mark on this generation.
God gave His very best for us, and we must be willing to give our very best back to Him in the way that we live our lives, and in sharing God's love towards each other. Anything less than that, only shows that there is a faulty foundation.
The only way to prove and show otherwise, is to return to our first love, which is our relationship Christ, to obey His commandments, and to walk and abide in Him daily. And this is what He calls all of His people to do without exception.
So, please not only read the article, but also ponder what the Lord may want to say to you personally, as an individual in this. It is not a message meant for someone else, but is especially given for the corporate Body of Christ, which means that it is for anyone who is a true Christian, wherever they may be.
May you be challenged, strengthened, and encouraged through todays message. ~ L.D. Oxford
~ By Matt Sorger
As I have been waiting on the Holy Spirit throughout the month of January I have been processing in my spirit several prophetic themes. The listing below includes many of the things Holy Spirit has been stirring in my heart as we move into 2008. I also feel that some of what I shared for 2007 is still being carried over into 2008 and has not reached its full development.
I encourage you to also read our 2007 article to continue to lay hold of the Father’s heart for this generation of believers and for your life personally. Take some time to meditate and pray over the Key Scriptures included with each prophetic highlight. I pray these words are a blessing to you.
(The link to the 2007 article given last year: click here )
1) God is about to invade His church. Jesus is inspecting His Father’s temple. Some tables are going to be overturned this year. Don’t be dismayed when you see this happen. It is the hand of the Lord.
God is refining the inward motives of the heart. Any work done with a selfish, self-seeking motive will not survive the refining fire. Key Scriptures: Mt 21:12; 1 Cor 3:13, 4:5
2) God is calling the church to return to and re-strengthen the foundations of our faith and personal walk with Him and our ministries. A refining fire is coming and anything not built on a foundation of love will not stand the testing.
God is inspecting our works. He wants work motivated by first love, not empty activity. Some lamp stands will be removed this year. Anything not built on love will be shaken. Key Scripture: Rev 2:4-5
3) There will be many "love-tests" this year. People will be given opportunities to grow in true Christ-like love. God will allow moments of difficulty and challenge to teach us to walk and live in love.
He is taking us deeper into the gospel of the Kingdom, which is to love God with all our hearts and to love people. God is really bringing a revival of true heartfelt love. God wants to invade whole cities and regions.
The key that will unlock cities and bring a move of God like the Welsh Revival of 1904 will be a revelation and reality of Kingdom love. Key Scriptures: 1 Pet 4:12-13; Mt 22:36-40
4) New ministries will be birthed this year. There will be another wave of launching ministries. God has been laying foundations and now is the time to take action and step out into the fullness of the call of God. Some "good things" will have to be let go of in order to lay hold of God’s best. It truly will be a season of "new beginnings" for many. Key Scripture: Gen 12:1
5) The apostolic mandate will continue to mature and come into greater manifestation this year as the church is "sent by God" into the marketplace, highways and byways to see the gospel of the Kingdom advance forward.
There will be a fresh emphasis on souls, church planting and discipling new believers. We will see a new wave of evangelism released through apostolic order. God is stirring the body to aggressively pursue creative miracles and deliverance.
Look for opportunities for God to move outside of church meetings. If you make yourself available He will move in the most unexpected places. Key Scriptures: Luke 14:23; John 1:6-8
6) God will reveal to the church the true prosperity of the Lord. Any prosperity preached with a motive of greed and selfishness will be shaken down so the true prosperity of the Lord can shine forth. Only God knows the motives and intents of the heart. We must be careful not to prematurely judge people or ministries. Let God be the judge.
God is refocusing our understanding of biblical prosperity with the truth that we are blessed so we can be a blessing to others and advance the Kingdom of God in the earth. (Remember, prosperity is more than just finances.
It also includes divine health, healing, protection, forgiveness, grace, joy, peace, and much more.) God will continue to anoint people with creative business ideas for supernatural wealth to help fund the end-time harvest. Key Scriptures: 2 Cor 9:6-11; Isa 60:11.
7) Foundational truths will be emphasized by the Holy Spirit, including the blood of Christ, the cross of Christ and salvation through repentance of sin. Key Scriptures: Eph 1:7; Col 1:14; Gal 6:14
8) God is causing us to inspect and re-strengthen our foundation so He can bring multiplication and increase. Anything done with a pure motive and built on a foundation of selfless love will see a wonderful multiplication and increase this year. That which has a solid foundation will be multiplied in 2008.
9) God is teaching His people how to operate in dominion from a position of rest. We must know how to use governmental Kingdom authority from a place of resting in Christ’s finished work. Both dominion and rest are being highlighted by the Holy Spirit.
This dominion will cause the enemy to be displaced out of the land of our inheritance so that we can not only possess but be multiplied in that land. Key Scriptures: Col 1:13; Josh 6:1-2, 15-16.
10) An apostolic shift of focus is coming into how we view the "church". God will continue to give us understanding into the practical functions of the apostolic. God is shifting the vision of leaders beyond their own kingdom onto His Kingdom.
A baptism of love will cause leaders to understand "the church" is not just their local congregation, but it is the corporate body within that city, nation and world! Greater expressions will be given to the corporate church. God wants leaders and churches to have a heart for one another.
God wants to invade, awake and transform whole regions and cities. Apostolic leaders will be raised up transforming local churches into holy habitations of God’s glory that release the body of Christ into greater fullness and manifestation.
Pastors and other five-fold ministries called to the apostolic will continue to shift this year in their vision and function. Some churches will make the transition from "local church" to "regional apostolic centers".
Through the apostolic we will see a greater merging together of the prayer movement, evangelism and church planting. The prayer movement and power movement will come together in a greater way.
11) This will be a year of understanding God’s great grace on many levels. We will hear a lot about grace, faith and love. Key Scriptures: Gal 5:6; 1 Tim 1:14
12) Those with media mantles given in 2007 will see an increase and expansion in the media in 2008. God and His current day move will be seen on both Christian and secular television. God is invading the airwaves with His glory. We will also see the "face" of Christian TV changing.
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Joshua AP Network E-list
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Home Central
Dear Joshua family subscribers and friends:
Today, i am sending out to you some great prophetic insight that just came in from the ministry of Matt Sorger. Last year, we posted the "2007 Word" that Matt sent out, and i have included a link here in his article for easy access, so that you may go back and review it again.
God is most definitely bringing a love-test upon the Body of Christ this year, and each one will be tested, as a challenge to grow in love and to become more Christ-like in our lives.
We must be willing to lay down our lives for Him, (and for the brethren as He tells us in His Word to do), if we are going to make a real difference, and to leave a mark on this generation.
God gave His very best for us, and we must be willing to give our very best back to Him in the way that we live our lives, and in sharing God's love towards each other. Anything less than that, only shows that there is a faulty foundation.
The only way to prove and show otherwise, is to return to our first love, which is our relationship Christ, to obey His commandments, and to walk and abide in Him daily. And this is what He calls all of His people to do without exception.
So, please not only read the article, but also ponder what the Lord may want to say to you personally, as an individual in this. It is not a message meant for someone else, but is especially given for the corporate Body of Christ, which means that it is for anyone who is a true Christian, wherever they may be.
May you be challenged, strengthened, and encouraged through todays message. ~ L.D. Oxford
~ By Matt Sorger
As I have been waiting on the Holy Spirit throughout the month of January I have been processing in my spirit several prophetic themes. The listing below includes many of the things Holy Spirit has been stirring in my heart as we move into 2008. I also feel that some of what I shared for 2007 is still being carried over into 2008 and has not reached its full development.
I encourage you to also read our 2007 article to continue to lay hold of the Father’s heart for this generation of believers and for your life personally. Take some time to meditate and pray over the Key Scriptures included with each prophetic highlight. I pray these words are a blessing to you.
(The link to the 2007 article given last year: click here )
1) God is about to invade His church. Jesus is inspecting His Father’s temple. Some tables are going to be overturned this year. Don’t be dismayed when you see this happen. It is the hand of the Lord.
God is refining the inward motives of the heart. Any work done with a selfish, self-seeking motive will not survive the refining fire. Key Scriptures: Mt 21:12; 1 Cor 3:13, 4:5
2) God is calling the church to return to and re-strengthen the foundations of our faith and personal walk with Him and our ministries. A refining fire is coming and anything not built on a foundation of love will not stand the testing.
God is inspecting our works. He wants work motivated by first love, not empty activity. Some lamp stands will be removed this year. Anything not built on love will be shaken. Key Scripture: Rev 2:4-5
3) There will be many "love-tests" this year. People will be given opportunities to grow in true Christ-like love. God will allow moments of difficulty and challenge to teach us to walk and live in love.
He is taking us deeper into the gospel of the Kingdom, which is to love God with all our hearts and to love people. God is really bringing a revival of true heartfelt love. God wants to invade whole cities and regions.
The key that will unlock cities and bring a move of God like the Welsh Revival of 1904 will be a revelation and reality of Kingdom love. Key Scriptures: 1 Pet 4:12-13; Mt 22:36-40
4) New ministries will be birthed this year. There will be another wave of launching ministries. God has been laying foundations and now is the time to take action and step out into the fullness of the call of God. Some "good things" will have to be let go of in order to lay hold of God’s best. It truly will be a season of "new beginnings" for many. Key Scripture: Gen 12:1
5) The apostolic mandate will continue to mature and come into greater manifestation this year as the church is "sent by God" into the marketplace, highways and byways to see the gospel of the Kingdom advance forward.
There will be a fresh emphasis on souls, church planting and discipling new believers. We will see a new wave of evangelism released through apostolic order. God is stirring the body to aggressively pursue creative miracles and deliverance.
Look for opportunities for God to move outside of church meetings. If you make yourself available He will move in the most unexpected places. Key Scriptures: Luke 14:23; John 1:6-8
6) God will reveal to the church the true prosperity of the Lord. Any prosperity preached with a motive of greed and selfishness will be shaken down so the true prosperity of the Lord can shine forth. Only God knows the motives and intents of the heart. We must be careful not to prematurely judge people or ministries. Let God be the judge.
God is refocusing our understanding of biblical prosperity with the truth that we are blessed so we can be a blessing to others and advance the Kingdom of God in the earth. (Remember, prosperity is more than just finances.
It also includes divine health, healing, protection, forgiveness, grace, joy, peace, and much more.) God will continue to anoint people with creative business ideas for supernatural wealth to help fund the end-time harvest. Key Scriptures: 2 Cor 9:6-11; Isa 60:11.
7) Foundational truths will be emphasized by the Holy Spirit, including the blood of Christ, the cross of Christ and salvation through repentance of sin. Key Scriptures: Eph 1:7; Col 1:14; Gal 6:14
8) God is causing us to inspect and re-strengthen our foundation so He can bring multiplication and increase. Anything done with a pure motive and built on a foundation of selfless love will see a wonderful multiplication and increase this year. That which has a solid foundation will be multiplied in 2008.
9) God is teaching His people how to operate in dominion from a position of rest. We must know how to use governmental Kingdom authority from a place of resting in Christ’s finished work. Both dominion and rest are being highlighted by the Holy Spirit.
This dominion will cause the enemy to be displaced out of the land of our inheritance so that we can not only possess but be multiplied in that land. Key Scriptures: Col 1:13; Josh 6:1-2, 15-16.
10) An apostolic shift of focus is coming into how we view the "church". God will continue to give us understanding into the practical functions of the apostolic. God is shifting the vision of leaders beyond their own kingdom onto His Kingdom.
A baptism of love will cause leaders to understand "the church" is not just their local congregation, but it is the corporate body within that city, nation and world! Greater expressions will be given to the corporate church. God wants leaders and churches to have a heart for one another.
God wants to invade, awake and transform whole regions and cities. Apostolic leaders will be raised up transforming local churches into holy habitations of God’s glory that release the body of Christ into greater fullness and manifestation.
Pastors and other five-fold ministries called to the apostolic will continue to shift this year in their vision and function. Some churches will make the transition from "local church" to "regional apostolic centers".
Through the apostolic we will see a greater merging together of the prayer movement, evangelism and church planting. The prayer movement and power movement will come together in a greater way.
11) This will be a year of understanding God’s great grace on many levels. We will hear a lot about grace, faith and love. Key Scriptures: Gal 5:6; 1 Tim 1:14
12) Those with media mantles given in 2007 will see an increase and expansion in the media in 2008. God and His current day move will be seen on both Christian and secular television. God is invading the airwaves with His glory. We will also see the "face" of Christian TV changing.
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