Dear friends:
Here is another one of the messages that was posted on the Joshua A/P Network E-list recently concerning the acceleration of the move of God that is now taking place in different areas accompanied by signs, wonders and miracles.
A number of prophetic people over the past decade have received words from the Lord concerning the endtime move of God and how it will far surpass anything that we have ever experienced before during our life-time.
Back a couple of years ago, the Lord also gave to me some prophetic words and revelation on what would happen over the next several years, and we are now beginning to see the fulfillment of these things through revival reports, testimonies and miraculous signs, wonders and miracles that are now taking place.
I have also been hearing of the dead raised from a few ministries in Africa and in some of the other third-world countries recently. But, the day is soon upon us when these reports will become more and more wide-spread and common as the harvest comes in and accelerates.
Be blessed and encouraged today by these awesome revival reports.
~ L.D. Oxford
~by kari browning
For years, God has been speaking through prophetic voices of a great outpouring where stadiums would be filled, and His Glory would be seen through healings, creative miracles, and signs and wonders. The appointed time has come!
On Mother's Day weekend this year, we experienced an unusual outpouring in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. We hosted a "Glory Explosion" conference with Jeff Jansen, David Herzog, and Joshua Mills. During this time, we witnessed many healings, some received gold crowns or fillings in their teeth, several experienced instant weight loss, one man had hair grow on his head, a few were covered in gold dust, and some saw angels with their open eyes! It was amazing and glorious.
Four years ago, on Mother's Day weekend 2002, we hosted a prophetic seminar with Shawn Bolz. When his team arrived that weekend, the headline in our local newspaper was "Reaching for Glory." We knew it was a sign.
Before Kenneth Hagin died in 2003, he prophesied that 2006 would be the year of the glory: "Now what about 2006? There is no way to tell it! Oh Lord, oh my! How do you describe it? It will be a glorious year. It will be a year of Heaven on earth!
In the Bible, important events happened on festival dates. They were "appointed times." It seems like Mother's Day is an important event on God's calendar. In 1980, on Mother's Day, the Holy Spirit came in a powerful way in a Yorba Linda Calvary Chapel, pastored by John Wimber, who later became the leader of the Vineyard movement.
On that Sunday, a young evangelist by the name of Lonnie Frisbee confessed the Church's failure to give place to the Holy Spirit. He concluded his prayer with the words, "Come, Holy Spirit!" The Holy Spirit came in power, and the rest is history.
The patriarch Abraham was given a promise that he waited 25 years to see fulfilled. During those 25 years, God would visit Abraham to give him encouragement, and more revelation concerning his promise. It wasn't until a year prior to the promise being fulfilled that God gave Abraham the timing.
"Then the Lord said, "I will surely return to you about this time next year, and Sarah your wife will have a son." (Genesis 18:10)
A year ago on Mother's Day, three well known prophetic voices had similar experiences. One was Bob Jones. He had a dream that morning-he was given a watch and was told that everything would begin in a year.
After telling Rick Joyner of the dream on the way to church that day, Bob's watch fell off his wrist during the church service. Someone came over and put a Rolex watch on his wrist.
The same day Bob Jones was given a new watch in North Carolina, Danny Steyne was given a new watch in Idaho. The night before, on May 7, Danny was speaking at the Healing Rooms in Spokane. I saw a vision of John G. Lake handing him a pocket watch and heard the words "It's Time." (John G. Lake had a great healing ministry. )
During his lifetime, Spokane was declared "The healthiest city in the world" by the mayor, because of his ministry there.) The next morning, Mother's Day, someone who had not heard the vision from the previous night, saw a vision of Danny taking a pocket watch out of his pocket and heard the words "It's Time."
Later in the day, I bought Danny a pocket watch, and he had it inscribed with the words "It's Time."
After this experience that occurred on May 7, I realized that May 7, was another important date on God's calendar. William Branham had been commissioned to the healing ministry on that date by an angel in 1946.
This was also the date that Mike Bickle, and the Church in Kansas City, began a 21-day fast for revival in 1983. Bob Jones had declared that a comet would come on the day the fast began, which would be unpredicted by scientists, and be a sign that revival would surely come.
The sign happened on May 7, just as he had foretold. They all thought revival would come immediately after the fast ended in 1983. However, Bob had a dream on the last day of the fast and told Mike the following:
"The Lord spoke to me in a dream last night, and told me He is not going to break loose in the revival in the way that we all thought. God never said that it would begin after the fast. We only assumed it would. The Lord says, 'No! There is an appointed time and appointed season for America, and when the Lord says it's time, it will not be one day late.'
"Todd Bentley also had a visitation on Mother's Day, 2005. He was told that the healing ministry would begin that day. He was also told that the kingly anointing would begin on Mother's Day, and he understood that to be the apostolic ministry. He heard the Lord speak to him audibly "Acts 5:12 begins today." And through the hands of the apostles many signs and wonders were done among the people, Acts 5:12.
Prior to the Glory Explosion conference, we hosted the "It's Time" conference on March 2-4, 2006 where the prophetic voices declared the changing of the season, and that it was time for apostolic power to be released. There were several dreams and prophetic experiences that confirmed that message prior to the event.Then, on April 12-14, 2006 we hosted the "Northwest Revival Fire" conference.
On April 14, (the actual 100 year anniversary date of the beginning of the Azusa Street Revival), Randy DeMain released the angel "Breakthrough Revival," which had been assigned to him in Nigeria two years prior. This angel was the same angel that had been assigned to Benson Idahosa, until his death in 1998.
Randy saw this angel with his open eyes in the meeting, as well as another angel that is associated with healing. On Mother's Day weekend, May 11-14, 2006 we hosted the "Glory Explosion" conference where we saw the glory of God manifest in tangible ways.
We believe we are going to continue to be changed from glory to glory, and greater glory awaits us in days ahead.
~Kari Browning
Gateway Christian Fellowship
*As posted on the Joshua A/P Network E-list
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